Can I Order Via Email?
Apologies, it is currently only possible to order Wild As The Wind products via the Wild As The Wind Online Shop. Or, if you prefer, you can buy Wild As The Wind products in person at one of the markets Wild As The Wind currently support.
Can I Order Via Telephone Call?
I’m afraid the answer remains a firm, but apologetic, ‘No’. Please follow the link at the end of this article if you wish to understand the reasons why telephone ordering or email ordering isn’t possible. Thanks.
Wild As The Wind Summer Markets
Wild As The Wind are at more markets in the summer than in winter. However, more shows and fairs are attended in the Winter months than in the Summer, so things seem to balance out nicely.
Somerset Markets
Sadly, Wild As The Wind no longer attends any of the following Somerset markets:
Wells Market
Glastonbury Market
Bath :: Green Park Market (very occasional)
Wiltshire Markets
Wild As The Wind used to be a regular at the Shaftesbury Cobbles Market, but sadly, this market has been discontinued.
Wild As The Wind Winter Markets
As mentioned above, Wild As The Wind attend more markets in the summer than in winter.
However, more one-off and large scale seasonal events are attended in the Winter than in the Summer, to balance things out a little.
Wild As The Wind products will be putting in an appearance at the following events in 2022:
Mapperton House Christmas Fair at the end of November.
Glastonbury Frost Fayre at the end of November.
Why Can’t I Buy Via Email?
There are a lot of reasons why it isn’t possible to place your order via email or through messages on social media platforms.
Read the main reasons why it’s not possible to buy Wild As The Wind products through email.
Hello Rachel
I am keen to order your oil/s! And get a bottle of your Number 2 asap!!
I would like to know when you are in Wells, as I am in the area between Friday the 27th of December leaving the U.K. on Friday the 3rd January i could make some purchases then as I live in Germany.
You may remember me as we have met and spoken before .
I hope to meet you again .
Hi Debra, I am glad you found your way to the Wild As The Wind Etsy Shop via the ‘BUY’ links on this website. Well done, and thanks very much for your order. I will dispatch this tomorrow.
As for the dates over Christmas and New Year, this, unfortunately, has not been decided as yet. It is up to the market management team when they wish us to attend, however, attempts to force traders to work over this period have failed in the past owing to the fact we work flat-out in all manner of weather conditions in the two+ months running up to Christmas. (Most market traders make 60% of their income in these two months, usually by tripling their trading commitments and working around the clock to make enough products to meet demand. Hence, their reluctance to continue trading over the Christmas period in freezing conditions when there’s hardly anyone out shopping and likely to be wanting buy anything else for a while…)
So, the chances are we won’t return until mid January, as in years past.
But, luckily, you can buy pretty much everything online. And, if you need advice, please just drop me a line… Head to the envelope icon in the sidebar on the right to send me an email or head to the contact page
I hope that’s okay with you.
All the very best,