FACIAL OIL No. 2 For Imperfect Skin
FACIAL OIL No. 2 may help reduce the appearance of Acne…
In this article you will find out about the main causes of Acne and how FACIAL OIL No. 2 and FACIAL OIL No. 8 can help.
You can find even more information about how to put an end to Acne for good in Acne Causes & Cures. This article serves as a great introduction to the more in-depth article.
★★★★★ 5 Star Google Review…
Update on daughters skin…. It is looking so much better. Clearer, healthy and scars are fading away. Will definitely recommend this product.
Melly, Somerset
FACIAL OIL No. 2 is suitable for anyone over the age of 10 years of age.
Please read the FACIAL OIL No. 2 FACT SHEET for technical advice :: Period After Opening & Allergy Advice etc…
FACIAL OIL No. 2 For Acne
Wild As The Wind cannot, by law, make any claims as to the efficacy of FACIAL OIL No. 2 for the treatment of Acne. We are also not permitted to use the countless customer reviews detailing individual accounts of the improvement in the health of their skin as evidence of FACIAL OIL No. 2 being a really effective means of minimising and clearing Acne.
However, FACIAL OIL No. 2 has been formulated using ingredients which are all thought to have positive outcomes for Acne sufferers in that they may reduce the occurrence, appearance and scarring of this condition.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 For Acne Testimonials
It’s a shame we are unable to use the following reviews to make any claims about FACIAL OIL No. 2 being in any way capable of helping people with their problem skin.
There really are so many reviews about how FACIAL OIL No. 2 has helped people overcome their Acne issues, both physically and emotionally, which we must all ignore.
We have siloed the reviews here FACIAL OIL No. 2 For Acne Testimonials so they don’t appear on the main FACIAL OIL No. 2 Testimonials Page.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 Reformulation For Acne
FACIAL OIL No. 2 was always blended with a view to potentially helping both men and women balance their hormones and actively help to reduce Acne. And, it’s always been very effective at reducing scarring over time, with consistent use.
There are many reviews which refer to significant improvements in scarring.
But, there was one further tweak needed to make FACIAL OIL No. 2 the ultimate blend for targeting Acne issues.
The amount of Rose Otto Essential Oil needed to be recalibrated along with Frankincense Essential Oil.
I bought the skin oil No. 2 for my daughter who has had acne since she was 11. She is 18 now. Understandably, she has scarring and has suffered bullying and depression as a result. We have tried all manner of lotions, potions, antibiotics and even laser treatment and nothing has worked. It’s early days yet on skin oil No. 2 but it really does seem to be improving and the scarring even seems reduced – all this is after one week! I think the scent is lovely and also seems to have improved her sleep a bit which is also generally bad due to her anxiety.
JJ, Somerset
Because Rose Essential Oil is featured in this blend there are other benefits… Rose is one of the two key ingredients in FACIAL OIL No. 2 considered to promote the production of collagen, so inclusion of Organic Bulgarian Rose Otto Essential Oil has improved the anti-ageing properties of this immensely healing oil.
Have just bought my second bottle of Facial Oil No. 2. I am struggling to believe the results.
I have used facial oils for about 20 years and my skin is in good condition for my age. I am beginning to develop lines around my mouth, but, since using this oil they are disappearing.
I have radically reduced the other creams etc and my skin looks better than it has done for years.
Thank you Rachel. It’s a fantastic product.
Sandra Graely, Ashby De La Zouch
Geranium Essential Oil is the other oil which is thought to promote the production of collagen, and just like Rose Otto, Geranium Essential Oil is also thought to help combat Acne.
When using FACIAL OIL No. 2 for alleviating any kind of skin condition it is imperative to use it twice daily… in the morning and last thing at night. Acne outbreaks can sometimes worsen when you first start using FACIAL OIL No. 2 before they start getting better. This is normal, but not always the case. If spots worsen this is a good sign. It means that the skin is detoxing.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 For Acne Scarring
FACIAL OIL No. 2 has always been excellent for reducing blemishes and scarring. There are approximately ten different ingredients which heal scars…
… I can honestly say that I have never had so many compliments on how beautiful and clear my skin now looks.
Debbie, Temple Cloud
FACIAL OIL No. 2 Reduces Acne From Every Angle
FACIAL OIL No. 2 seems to reduce Acne in a multitude of ways. Ultimately, it helps to restore homeostasis, which then restores health to the whole body.
The skin is the outward indicator of deeper, often systemic issues… FACIAL OIL No. 2 addresses these systemic problems.
In all honestly, I was a little skeptical at first, and worried about breakouts. I have oily skin and wasn’t sure an oil would be right for me. I also tend to get monthly breakouts of really bad spots – you know the ones which you pick and then you cover in too much foundation and actually make them worse?!
It’s also been quite a stressful time in my life – new job, break-ups and driving tests – this had only added to my bad skin breakouts. So, I was hesitant about completely changing my skincare routine.
However, I threw myself into using it twice daily and I can honestly say it’s changed my life! My skin is amazing! All redness has gone, old scars are fading, spots clear up almost over night, that’s if I even get any – the ones I have had are hardly worth mentioning they are that small. In the space of a month I have had no nasty outbreaks. My make-up goes on so well and I would even go as far as to say I could see a stage where I may not need foundation any more! It’s made my skin glow and it also smells divine!
I have just ordered my second bottle and will be a regular customer. I’m convincing friends and family to try it too!
Cheryl, Exeter (mid-twenties)
***It is vitally important to address the internal issues which lead to Acne. Acne is fundamentally a gut issue, often caused by drinking chlorinated water and eating foods we are intolerant of, and exacerbated by antibiotic use etc. Sugar is also disastrous for gut health.
It is extremely important for Acne, Eczema and Psoriasis suffers to figure out the root causes of their conditions. External applications will only go so far to help, and will ultimately become less affective over time.
Skin conditions are essentially outward expressions of internal disorders, and so sufferers need to get to the root of the matter. There are many other benefits to this aside from improving Acne outbreaks. Resolving the root causes will almost always result in more balanced emotional health due to improved hormonal function… Anxiety and depression will often disappear completely. Weight loss will generally also follow, and fatigue will lift…
All of the above are symptoms of poor gut health, and that’s why all of them will improve once you get to the root of the problem.
Read Gut Health and follow the advice provided.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 For Hormonal Acne
FACIAL OIL No. 2 is ideal for Hormonal Acne as it is formulated with a good number of essential oils that help to reduce stress and balance hormones.
There’s more information about this in the dedicated page for FACIAL OIL No. 2, but, simply put, there’s five essential oils which balance hormones and heal the damage to our hormone cell receptor sites, (which are damaged by synthetic environmental Oestrogens), and there’s two other essential oils, Myrrh Essential Oil and Patchouli Essential Oil, which perform a ‘factory reset’ on the healed hormone cell receptor sites.
There’s more information about this in the short article entitled Hormone Balance, or you can read the expanding number of articles about Hormone Health being published in the Wild As The Wind Blog, which go into intricate detail on the subject.
The Hormone Health Series makes for vital reading for those that want a long-term, healthy solution for their Acne that really works, and for the other associated Hormone problems that regularly accompany Acne, including anxiety and depression, persistent weight problems and brain fog etc…
I changed contraceptive method last year and was unfortunately hit with hormonal acne. I currently use the Rose Cleanser & Toner and Facial Oil No. 2. I’ve found the products to leave my skin clean and bright without causing it to break out (my skin is very sensitive), and they smell divine. I am taking medication for my skin alongside, but since I’ve started using Wild As The Wind products my skin has been better than it has been all year – sometimes even better than before I started suffering with acne – and is well on its way to recovery! I would definitely recommend Wild As The Wind, particularly for anyone with sensitive and/or problematic skin. Thanks for being natural and fabulous x
Emily, Surrey