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Finding The Information You Need
Sometimes it’s difficult to find what we are looking for online. Especially when a website is so stuffed with information like this one is!
This article has been written to help you find everything you need.
It also details a number of different ways of finding what you are looking for…
Find Health Information
So, first things first… Where are you exactly?
This article has been published on the Wild As The Wind Information Website. The address for this website is ::
The Wild As The Wind Online Shop is an entirely different website, and has a different website address. The Wild As The Wind Online Shop website address is
If you are using a desktop computer or laptop, you can check the website address in the address bar at the top of the page.
Wild As The Wind Information Website
You will find several books worth of natural health information within this Wild As The Wind Information Website. And, hopefully you will find a lot of answers to questions you have tried and failed to find answers for elsewhere on the internet, and perhaps even from healthcare services.
This website is free to use, and has been created so you can better understand your symptoms and help you return to a better state of health. It is designed to assist you in understanding your issues by providing you with greater levels of insight and confidence.
Much of the information presented here is based on the latest peer reviewed scientific research, and the information surrounding essential oils is also backed up by thousands of years worth of usage and experimentation and a plethora of anecdotal evidence.
Navigating The Wild As The Wind Information Website
Find By Category
If you are looking for a product, or an article on a particular health issue then using the main menu at the top of every page on the website is the way forward.
Find A Product
if you’re looking for a product you just need to decide which category you think the product will fall into.
The Essential Oils and Facial Oils categories are simple enough if you’re looking for essential oils and facial oils, but even these categories can present an issue. As there are more than one item in each category it’s necessary to hover your cursor, (arrow) over these categories without clicking on them. If there are more items within that category, then a drop down menu will appear. Both the facial oils and essential oils categories have quite a few articles within each category.
If you can see the specific item in the drop down menu, trace your cursor down the column and then click on the correct item. This will open up the page devoted to this item.
Find An Article
You can find an article in the same way you find a product via the category method. I tend to write articles in series, so you will be able to find a category in the main menu which relates to a number of series of articles.
These include:
Essential Oil Information Index
But, not all articles are in a series and so you need to employ different methods to find them… Some important articles like, Best UK Essential Oils are stand alone articles, but can still be found within the Essential Oils section of the website. It has also been added to the Essential Oil Information Index.
Following Links
When you open up the Wild As The Wind Info Website you will often land on the home page. This is a great launch pad for most of the Wild As The Wind products, and you will even find links to some of the most important complementary health articles too.
Every page on this website is linked to quite a few others, and sometimes using the links within articles and pages is the easiest way of finding relevant information for your query. this is especially true if you are unsure of how to describe your symptoms or you’re unsure of exactly what you are looking for… I’ll explain why a little later in this article.
Using The Search Box
If you use a desktop computer to browse the internet the search box is very easy to find on this website. It is in the side bar on the right hand side of the website and it is bright red. Within the search box it says “Search This Website”.
If you use a tablet or a mobile phone to access the internet then it’s often more difficult to locate the search box. On these devices the search box often appears all the way down at the bottom of a page and can sometimes be clear instead of a solid block of red. However, on thing which makes it easier to locate is that it always appears next to the beautiful image of Katrina, a beautiful blonde woman that has something of Marilyn Monroe about her! May be her hair, or her smile, or may be just her innocence…? Whatever the case, you’ll know when you’ve found her!
The search box is never far behind!
Find A Product Using Search
If you know the name of a specific Wild As The Wind product you can type this into the search box.
Or, if you know the generic term, like ‘toner’, ‘cleanser’ and ‘face oil’ you can try using these to find what you’re looking for.
Find A Health Topic
If you wish to pursue a specific line of enquiry then using the search box will be helpful. There are articles on specific subjects like ‘Anxiety & Depression’, but if you put in the term Mental Health it will deliver this article at the top of a long list of options ::PQQ For Energy, Mental Health & Inflammatory Pain :: but it won’t find the article entitled :: Anxiety & Depression :: for you. However, using a single word like ‘Depression’ the results will be a lot better. In fact, the results couldn’t be better :: In first place you’ll get :: Essential Oils For Depression :: and in second place, but still entirely visible at first glance, you will get :: Hormone Health Part Four :: Anxiety & Depression :: which is the main article on this subject on the Wild As The ~Wind website.
Using the word ‘Anxiety’ in your search will get you :: Hormone Health Part Four :: Anxiety & Depression :: as the first result, which is perfect as it’s the main article, but there is no sign of the second most important article :: Essential Oils For Depression :: but that’s not the end of the world… You don’t have to read too much info before you come across the first of three links to the :: Essential Oils For Depression :: link, so you’ll easily find this information if you follow one of them.
And, thee’s an even faster way to locate this information if you use a simple keyboard short cut…
Using Cmd + F or Ctrl + F To Find
I personally don’t like using my phone to browse the internet. i have concerns about hand held devices from a an EMF perspective. i also think they’re bad for our eyes. And, there’s a lot less functionality at our fingertips.
I couldn’t conceive of performing a proper internet search without the full functionality of a desktop computer… And, by that I mean the Cmd + F / Ctrl + F function.
These keyboard shortcuts will find you any element within a document. How cool is that?
So, if you were eon the page :: Hormone Health Part Four :: Anxiety & Depression :: and you wanted to check it would mention ‘essential oils’ all you would have to do is use your shortcut to find out!
If you use a Mac your keyboard shortcut for finding an element within a document is Cmd+F.
If you use a PC your keyboard shortcut for finding an element within a document is Ctrl + F
This video tells you how to use these commands to find instant results you are looking for without having to read entire articles…
Using Google To Find
If using the internal search box isn’t delivering the results you want, or if you’re using a mobile phone and locating the search box is a lot of hassle, then you can always resort to Google.
If you type “Wild As The Wind” followed by the specific item you want to search the Wild As The Wind website for, like “Anxiety”, making your full search term as follows :: “Wild As The Wind Anxiety” :: the second result within the results list in Google wil be the article on Essential Oils For Depression And, of course, within the first sentence of this article there’s a link to the most important item on the Anxiety & Depression subject in the Wild As The Wind website :: Hormone Health Part Four :: Anxiety & Depression ::
If you found this useful please let me know in the comments.
If you felt it missed the mark I would also like to know… the comments are enabled for just that sort of things, so please feel free…
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