Hemp Essential Oil FAQ

Wild As The Wind receive more questions about Hemp Essential Oil than we do about any other essential oil. We anticipate new questions in the future, and these will be added as and when they arise.
There are a number of reasons for this:
- Hemp Essential Oil has only been legal for a relatively short period of time, despite not being psychotropic in any way.
- There’s a phenomenal amount of disinformation available about Hemp Essential Oil on the internet
- There’s a lot of very conflicting information even among the ‘reliable’ online information sources… with profit incentives skewing what we’re being told.
- There’s just too much confusion around Hemp Essential Oil in general, and Wild As The Wind is all about remedying that!
- There are many different varieties of Hemp Essential Oil and so people get very confused by this
- Hemp Essential Oil, whilst it contains a good amount of CBD Oil, is actually a full spectrum cannabinoid essential oil, and not a CBD isolate.
IMPORTANT Additional Reading
How Do Hemp Essential Oil & CBD Isolates Work?
Additional information
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Can Hemp Essential Oil Get You High?
No, Hemp Essential Oil does exactly the opposite of getting you high. The natural CBD and other cannabinoids in this very healing essential oil are the constituents in Cannabis which make the THC not work. THC is the constituent in the Cannabis plant which gets you stoned.
What Is The Main Difference Between Hemp Essential Oil & CBD Oil?
I would say all synthetic CBD Oil is dangerous and has no place in nature or in the human body. However, not all CBD isolates show outward signs of damage, but some do.
Four people nearly die after taking synthetic CBD
There is an entire article devoted to this question because the answer is a very complex one… Hemp Essential Oil Versus CBD Oil
Is Hemp Essential Oil The Same As Hemp Oil?
No! Hemp Essential oil is steamed distilled form all the main parts of the plant, as explained in the Hemp Essential Oil Profile, (which also details all of the healing benefits of this exceptional essential oil.)
Conversely, Hemp Oil is a food oil, often used in salads, which is made by cold pressing the seeds of the Hemp plant.
Hemp Oil is very nutrious, but it cannot be used instead of Hemp Essential Oil. Only minuscule amounts of Hemp Essential Oil are required to effect major changes. Please refer to the section on Using Essential Oils after reading about the healing benefits of Hemp Essential Oil.
Your Hemp Essential Oil FAQ’s
The following are a list of specific questions received from Wild As The Wind customers.
Can you please confirm how I use the hemp oil for oral use?
You will find all the dosage info towards the end of this article: Hemp Essential Oil In Brief
Is Hemp Essential Oil best taken on an empty stomach or with food?
The Hemp Essential Oil gets absorbed via the mouth into the blood stream. That’s why it’s important to hold it in the mouth for two or three minutes before swallowing. It is doing it like this which allows it to avoid being digested by the gut in the main, so it doesn’t matter when you eat. Just take it in the morning and evening as instructed. (If it was important to avoid taking it at meal times I would have mentioned it, so it’s always safe to assume something is not important if it’s not mentioned 🙂 )
Full Hemp Essential Oil dosage information
What Is The CBD Content Of The Wild As The Wind Hemp Essential Oil?
Could I ask what concentration the hemp oil is? Everywhere I read about cbd oil is 5%, 10% or 20%. I was thinking of getting some for my mum, but my dad was asking the %?
Sam, Manchester
CBD Oil is an isolate of Hemp Essential Oil, whereas the pure Hemp Essential Oil is a full-spectrum essential oil, which is a lot more universally healing than CBD isolate. This is why CBD isolate has to be used in such huge concentrations to work, compared to the small amounts required of the all-natural Hemp Essential Oil.
You can find a complete explanation of how this works here: Hemp Essential Oil Versus CBD Oil
Reading this article will explain why CBD isolate needs to be taken in huge doses, but why the CBD content of Hemp EO can be relatively small, (which it is in the natural state), because it comes as part of a full spectrum cannabinoid essential oil.
*The concentration of CBD in a natural Hemp Essential Oil is usually just less than one percent, as in the case of the Wild As The Wind Hemp Essential Oil.
If Hemp Essential Oil is going to work for me how long till I might see some improvement?
The answer to this question is that everybody is different. However, I would say that if there’s no improvement after one month, then Hemp EO is probably not for you.
How does Hemp Essential Oil compare with Copaiba Essential Oil?
Cobaiba Essential Oil compares very favourably with Hemp Essential Oil. It shares many of the healing capabilities as it lodges in the CB2 receptors, but it is a lot less expensive. Copaiba Essential Oil does not, however, interact with CB1 receptors like Hemp Essential Oil does.
What Laws Apply To Hemp Essential Oil Production?
This article covers the laws applicable to Hemp Essential Oil sale and consumption in the UK.
IMPORTANT Additional Reading
How Do Hemp Essential Oil & CBD Isolates Work?
Additional information
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I will be publishing another article What Stops Us From Healing? very soon, use the site search box at the end of this page (if you are using a mobile or a tablet) or in the sidebar to the right, at the top, if you are using a desktop, to check if has been published yet.
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
Deepen your knowledge by using the Wild As The Wind Recommended Resources
Another resource you may find useful can be found by following the link below. *Please note, I use sources from the Recommended Resources list as well as sources from the Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources list when researching articles for the Wild As The Wind Blog.
Best Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources.
Wild As The Wind use a number of resources when deciding which essential oil formulas to put together for optimal healing and efficacy, as well as to support any health claims we may make.
We owe a particular debt to GreenMedInfo, and, of course, the teachings of Penny Price and Patricia Davis.
Other resources include:
- PubMed
- WebMD
- Robert Tisserand
- Dr. Robert Pappas
- AromaWeb
- Dr. Josh Axe
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