Lemon & Cayenne Liver Support Drink
Please also read Lemon & Cayenne Drink For Liver Support & Weight Loss for a full understanding of the full benefits of starting your day with a Lemon & Cayenne Liver Support Drink.

The Lemon & Cayenne Liver Support Drink is critically important for Liver and Gallbladder health because warm lemon juice helps to dilute our bile and prevents it from getting thick and difficult to use.
It’s slow moving bile which allows Gallbladder and Liver stones to be created. If our bile is compromised, then our digestion will be compromised.
So, we won’t only suffer from a build-up of toxins, but it’ll also inhibit our ability to absorb nutrients. Not good!
Bile is difficult for the body to produce so it tends to recycle it about twenty times before finally creating more. Within these cycles the bile can get exceptionally sluggish and laden with toxins and cholesterol.
It’s the calcified deposits and cholesterol in the bile that cause Gallbladder stones. And, it’s an excessive amount of toxins in the body which lead to the creation of Cellulite.
But, if you ever think you might have Gall Stones, the last thing you want to do is go running to your doctor. Their antidote to this uncomfortable condition is to whip out your Gallbladder as fast as you can say… I’d rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy!
It’s now believed that the Gallbladder is the moderator or regulator of the entire digestive system… so you need that little bean shaped Gallbladder if you want to stay well!
And, gut health is crucial for our overall health. If our digestive health is compromised we will become seriously ill over time.
All autoimmune conditions emanate from the gut. And, it’s autoimmune conditions that are ultimately life-threatening… but, not before they rob us of our quality of life… emerging as painful skin conditions like Psoriasis or developing into painful inflammatory conditions and causing brain dysfunction in the form of Alzheimer’s and Early Onset Dementia.
The accumulated toxins are likely to affect our mental health also, predisposing us to anxiety and depression.
Slow moving bile and a sluggish Liver and Gallbladder will slow our metabolism, which will ultimately cause weight gain as well as Cellulite.
How Does Warm Lemon & Cayenne Work?
The atomic structure of Lemon Juice is very similar to the digestive compounds found in the stomach.
Including this drink into your early morning protocol will prompt your Liver to produce more bile, which in turn, will help food move through your Stomach more efficiently. This is particularly important if you are a meat eater.
A very healthy digestive tract will reduce the amount of time that animal-derived proteins rest in the gut. These proteins have a tendency to sit and rot in a sluggish digestive tract, causing no end of digestive issues, and ultimately leading to serious, life threatening health conditions.
Lemon is packed with:
- Vitamin C, anti-oxidents and electrolytes including Magnesium (which we all tend to be deficient in), Potassium and Calcium.
- Vitamin C boosts immunity, kills bacterial infections, particularly things like gingivitis, and transforms toxins into more digestible forms.
- Antioxidants neutralise free radicals, thereby keeping us looking and feeling younger, and they also reduce the risk of degenerative disease.
- Electrolytes keep us properly hydrated, which is essential for our health, and vitality as well as maintaining a youthful appearance.
- Stimulates the natural enzymes in the Liver by helping to oxygenate the body.
- 8% citric acid, which aids digestion, reduces heartburn, helps dissolve Kidney stones and balances body pH by making it more alkaline.
*Acidity has been cited as a leading cause of degenerative illness.
As you’ll see in the short Don Tolman video below, Warm Lemon Juice stimulates the secretion of Gastric juices, which are critical for adequate digestion of food.
The old adage, ‘we are what we eat’ is not quite right. It is more accurate to say, ‘we are what we digest’. And… even more accurately…
We are what we digested yesterday!
Malnutrition is very real within the Western world. We are eating nutrient deficient, heavily processed grain based diets, which are full of refined sugar. Grain based processed food, high in refined sugar, literally destroys gut health.
When we are nutrient deficient we suffer system break-down, which leads to chronic poor health.
I strongly urge you to read Adrenal Fatigue & Thyroid Dysfunction, and to watch the video featuring Dr. Peter Osborne talking about grains and processed food at the end of the article. This article and that video will change how you live and eat forever!
Cayenne Pepper
It is vitally important to ensure you buy Cayenne Pepper that has not been irradiated as this kills all of the healing properties of this beautiful, vital spice
- Regulates blood sugar
- Increases the temperature of the body, opening the capillaries and improving circulation, which supports digestion, reduces flatulence, improves detoxification, reduces blood pressure and may even prevent common heart problems that can lead to serious conditions.
- Improves lymphatic health.
- Cayenne works to strengthen the blood vessels, keeping blood moving efficiently and cholesterol levels low.
- Profoundly anti-inflammatory: dramatically reducing nerve and joint pain actively reducing mast cells in the body, which contribute to inflammation and pain in the body.
- Cayenne has been used for centuries in the treatment of snake bites, insect bite, suppurating sores and wounds.
- Capsaicin, an anti-oxidant in Cayenne, treats a vast array of conditions. A1998 study concluded that Capsaicin possesses 22 anti-cancer properties. Capsaicin actively blocks substance-P production, a compound that activates the pain mechanism in the brain, and it also breaks down lipid deposits that cause narrowing of the blood vessels, whilst at the same time dilating them, reducing the risk of cardio issues and blood clots.
*Anything that improves oxidative stress in the body will have a profound, systemically healing impact.
*Cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated system
Lemon and Cayenne Together
Vitamin C from Lemons coupled with the Capsaicin in Cayenne Pepper both share immune-boosting properties.
It is the combined forces of Lemon and Cayenne Pepper that helps to stimulate the Liver, providing it with the right balance of nutrients to detox from harmful substances, like, bad fats, sugar and alcohol. Unsurprisingly, they also help boost energy levels!
Lemon and Cayenne work together to combat sugar issues. Both possess appetite-suppressing properties, which are thought to reduce sugar cravings.
Our internal skin is not the only thing to enjoy improved condition. Our external skin also benefits at a deep level. Lemon and Cayenne are two ingredients used to treat Psoriasis and Eczema etc. (If you also precede this drink with a good Probiotic, your skin healing will go into super-drive.)
They’re also a formidable duo against bad bacteria and viruses. In fact, the anti-bacterial properties in Lemon and Cayenne are so strong they can be used as kitchen and bathroom cleaners.
To boost the anti-bacterial actions of this drink and provide even more support for your gut you could add 1/2 a teaspoon of non-irradiated Ginger Root Powder, or fresh Ginger, to your early morning drink. To boost the sugar-regulating properties you could add 1/4 of a teaspoon of Non-irradiated Cinnamon Powder, preferably from Sri Lanka. (A lot of lower quality ‘Cinnamon Powder’ is actually a powder made from a much cheaper bark from the Cassia Tree.)
*Always try to buy Organic produce from a local supplier. Mass produced foods bought from supermarkets have markedly less nutrients in them than Organic fruit and veg produced using traditional farming methods and bought from a local supplier.
Supermarket policy decisions result in the destruction of our arable land, force farmers to adopt modern farming methods, thereby often losing a lifetime of local farming insights, and put local businesses under so much competitive pressure that a lot of them go bust. They also suck 80% of the money out of a local economy, that then gets invested elsewhere.
In fact, it is estimated that 30% of the arable farming land globally has now been completely stripped of any nutrients whatsoever. The soil is simply providing physical support for the plants, and if it weren’t for the artificial fertilisers, the seeds wouldn’t even germinate, let alone grow into full sized plants.
Organic Fertilizers are materials derived from plant and animal parts or residues. Examples are, Blood Meal, Compost, Bat Guano, Manure, Seaweed, and Worm Castings.
Synthetic Fertilizers are “Man made” inorganic compounds – usually derived from by-products of the petroleum industry. Examples are Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium Phosphate, Superphosphate, and Potassium Sulfate.
Except from: Synthetic vs. Organic Fertilizers
by Jerry Gach
*Synthetic fertilisers are entirely unsustainable as they are from a petrochemical source. To protect the health of our children and our grandchildren we need to support growers that are taking care of, and regenerating the soil.
*Vitamin C deficiency is widespread, which causes bacteria in the mouth to get out of control. And Capsaicin is thought to reduce toothache and pain.
Oral bacteria is thought to be the root cause of 80% of disease symptoms. It is also thought that a body cannot heal until oral issues are rectified. Subscribe to this blog for a much more detailed insights into oral health.
How To Make Lemon Cayenne Water
Simply squeeze half a lemon into a tall glass and add a pinch of Cayenne. I prefer to zest the lemon prior to squeezing as the zest of the lemon makes this drink a lot more palatable.
Lemon zest also makes this incredibly healthful drink even more potent. There’s a constituent in lemon zest that is unique to this fruit that is extremely useful in stage two of a liver cleanse.
The best way, I find, of getting the right amount of Cayenne into this early morning drink is to use the non-spoon end of the spoon!
Add cold water to your mix before adding some boiled water from the kettle.
Use de-chlorinated water only!
Did you know that chlorine is an endocrine disruptor as well as an immune system destroyer?
Drink your warm Lemon Cayenne drink in one go, and avoid eating anything for at least 20 minutes to allow it time to go to work.
It is critically important to use a binder when performing any form of detox. Products like Activated Citrus Pectin are ideal for this. Read the Heavy Metals detoxification methods in the Heavy Metals article within the Wild As The Wind blog for more information. Also, use the right binders for your particular detox.
It is important NOT TO start recirculating lodged toxins into the digestive tract without first setting up a trap for them. Recirculated toxins that don’t have a binding agent are free to circulate throughout the body and become lodged elsewhere. If a toxin is bound by a binding agent it can be excreted from the body.
Coffee Enemas For Liver Cleansing
*Detoxing The Major Detox Pathway
Adding Essential Oils
I like to add a drop or two of any of the following essential oils to my Lemon & Cayenne early morning drink.
I only ever use therapeutic / medicinal / food grade Organic essential oils. Never use non-organic citrus essential oils because they have high levels of toxins in them.
I call these digestive health supporting, eminently detoxifying essential oils the Torso Trio because of their ability to restore health to the abdomen. They flush toxins out, up-regulate digestive processes and help us lose weight.
These oils can also be diluted with a good organic carrier oil and used as an abdominal massage oil.
Lemon & Liver Health
Here’s a 1 & 1/2 minute video with Don Tolman that explains how healing lemons are for the Liver and the bile.
Other Resources
Coffee Enemas For Liver Cleansing *Detoxing The Major Detox Pathway
Weight Gain & Resistant Weight Loss
Best Essential Oils For Weight Loss + Digestive & Liver Health
Hormone Disrupting Substances & Cures
Antibiotic Use Is Evil :: & Why We Mustn’t Eat Farmed Fish
Lemon: 12-Evidence Based Health Benefits
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
Deepen your knowledge by using the Wild As The Wind Recommended Resources
Another resource you may find useful can be found by following the link below. *Please note, I use sources from the Recommended Resources list as well as sources from the Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources list when researching articles for the Wild As The Wind Blog.
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