Organic Nigella Sativa Oil
Known as ‘the cure for everything but death’, this inexpensive oil provides considerable benefits.
Nigella Sativa Oil, or Black Seed Oil, is amazing for the skin, brilliant for supporting weight loss and regulating blood sugar, thus helping us move beyond Type 2 Diabetes and back into rude health.
It also boosts our immunity and has even successfully been used in natural protocols to treat autoimmunity, thus supporting all conditions with an inflammatory component.
It is also a potent antibacterial as well as being an impressive anti-inflammatory. It has proven capable of remediating MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant strains of bacterial infection.
It’s profound healing abilities extend to all manner of dysregulation… there’s even evidence Nigella Sativa Oil can reverse cancer and improve fertility.
When used topically, has proven useful for conditions like eczema and fungal infections.
There are even reports that it has been used to encourage healthy hair growth / reversing hair loss… and, topical use, accompanied by internal use, is thought to re-pigment Vitiligo.
To learn more about how Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil can boost immunity, prevent spike protein tissue damage in our lungs, heart and blood vessels, (whether naturally infected with viral spike proteins or via injection), and may prevent viral replication when taken with Zinc, please read Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil For Heart & Lung Health.
Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Seed Oil
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil has many different names, but is most commonly referred to as Black Seed Oil.
Other common names include:
- Black Seed Oil
- Roman Coriander Oil
- Black Sesame Oil
- Black Cumin Seed Oil
- Black Caraway Oil
- Onion Seed Oil
- Kalonji Oil
According to WebMD, Black Seed Oil is also known as:
Ajenuz, Aranuel, Baraka, Black Caraway, Black Cumin, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Charnuska, Cheveux de Vénus, Cominho Negro, Comino Negro, Cumin Noir, Cyah Dane, Fennel Flower, Fitch, Graine de Nigelle, Graine Noire, Habatul Sauda, Habbatul Baraka, Kalajaji, Kalajira, Kalonji, Ketsah, La Grainer Noire, Love in a Mist, Mugrela, Nielle, Nigella sativa, Nigelle de Crête, Nigelle Cultivée, Nutmeg Flower, Poivrette, Roman-Coriander, Schwarzkummel, Seed of Blessing, Siyah Dane, Shoniz, Small Fennel, Toute Épice, Upakuncika
Nigella Sativa Oil Health Benefits
Many of black cumin’s traditionally ascribed health benefits have been thoroughly confirmed in the biomedical literature. In fact, since 1964, there have been 656 published, peer-reviewed studies referencing it.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil health benefits include:
- Analgesic
- Antibacterial
- Anticholinergic
- Anti-fungal
- Antihistamine
- Anti-hypertensive
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- Anti-parasitic
- Antispasmodic
- Anti-tumour
- Anti-ulcer
- Antiviral
- Bronchodilator
- Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (anti-diabetic)
- Hepatoprotective (liver protecting)
- Hypotensive
- Insulin sensitising
- Interferon inducer
- Leukotriene antagonist
- Reno-protective (kidney protecting)
- Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha inhibitor
- Vulnerary (wound healing)
Please refer to the glossary of terms for more detail.
In a study of 94 diabetic patients, researchers prescribed either 1, 2 or 3 grams a day of Nigella sativa capsules. They found that at the dose of 2 grams per day, black seed significantly reduced fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance. The higher dose of 3 grams per day did not result in additional benefits.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil supports major systems within the body:
- Immune support
- Organ support: Heart + lungs + kidneys
- Digestive health: Colic + diarrhoea + dysentery + constipation + flatulence + haemorrhoids
- Respiratory conditions: Asthma + allergies +coughs + flu + bronchitis + emphysema + swine flu + coronavirus + rhinovirus + respiratory congestion.
- Weight loss
- Inflammatory skin conditions: Eczema + psoriasis + acne + dermatitis
- Bacterial skin infections: MRSA & other antibiotic resistant ‘Superbug’ bacterial skin infections
Nigella Sativa Oil For Digestive Health
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil is thought to support normal digestive function and weight loss.
★★★★★ 5 Star Etsy Review What can I say about this bottle of life changing magic? I’ve suffered chronic IBS for 30 years, which has been a debilitating struggle, then I met Rachel, she advised 45 drops in warm water a day…WOW, my body is functioning after only 3 weeks, I’ll be honest, I’ve bought 3 more bottles so I don’t run out, and have given a bottle to a very dear 87 year old friend who is suffering chronic illness, I truly believe that this bottle of magic will help him in some positive way. This has been my life line, can’t thank Rachel enough, well worth driving 3 hours to see her.
Nikki, Surrey
The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, even prescribed Nigella Sativa as a remedy for digestive unrest.
★★★★★ 5 Star Etsy Review :: Perfect for me and helps with my IBS
Karen, Surrey
Nigella Sativa Oil Heart Health Benefits
Nigella Sativa supports heart health. The accompanying article to this one, entitled Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil For Heart Health explores the important role Nigella Sativa Oil is playing in incidences of myocarditis and pericarditis caused by natural and engineered spike proteins.
Any condition that ends in ‘itis’ is an inflammatory condition. Organic Nigella Sativa Oil is anti-inflammatory.
There’s a compound in Organic Nigel Sativa Oil called Thymoquinone which is known to have a protective effect on the heart. As Nigella Sativa is also able to help regulate blood cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure this precious, but inexpensive oil, is able to provide heart support in a number of different ways.
Consistent Nigella Sativa Oil use has been shown to result in a lowering of LDL cholesterol, (the bad form of cholesterol), and an increase of HDL cholesterol, (the good form of cholesterol).
Nigella Sativa Oil can also help prevent lung damage, body-wide tissue damage and blood vessel damage, in people infected with spike proteins from viral infection or through injections.
You can learn about the mechanism Organic Nigella Sativa Oil initiates within our bodies to protect us so ably from spike protein damage in Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil For Heart Health
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil Promotes Liver Health
Our Liver is responsible for digesting fat and are also our major detox pathway for the whole body. Because Black Seed Oil filters toxins from the body, a properly functioning Liver is vitally important for our overall health.
Animal studies have shown Nigella Sativa Oil helps to heal Liver damage as well also preventing future Liver damage and diseases.
Because the Liver is the major detox pathway in the body Wild As The Wind also advocates the following:
Lemon & Cayenne Liver Detox Drink
Coffee Enemas For Liver Health
Nigella Sativa & Thyroid Health
A randomised clinical trial reveals that the ancient healing food known as nigella sativa (aka “black seed”), once known as the “remedy for everything but death,” may provide an ideal treatment for the autoimmune thyroid condition known as Hashimoto’s disease, which is the most common cause of hypothyroidism.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil Is Anti-Tumour…
Numerous active components have been isolated from N. sativa seed and its oil including thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, dithymoquinone, thymol, carvacrol, nigellimine-N-oxide, nigellicine, nigellidine and alpha-hederin. The pharmacological properties of N. sativa and its ingredients had been investigated by in vitro and in vivo studies conducted on human and laboratory animals. These studies showed that N. sativa and its ingredients have a wide range of pharmacological effects; immune-stimulatory, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antihypertensive, antiasthmatic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antioxidant and anticancer effects (reviewed in Randhawa and Alghamdi, 2002, Randhawa and Alghamdi, 2011, Ali and Blunden, 2003, Salem, 2005, Padhye et al., 2008, Randhawa, 2008). Acute and chronic toxicity studies on laboratory animals have reported that N. sativa seed, its oil and thymoquinone, the most abundant and widely studied active principle, are safe, particularly when given orally (Badary et al., 1998, Mansour et al., 2001, Al-Ali et al., 2008).
Organic Black Seed Oil For Skincare
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil is a powerful antioxidant containing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory constituents. It also has wound healing capabilities.
The reason why Nigella Sativa Oil is so profoundly healing is because it’s an antioxidant powerhouse which is full of exceptionally beneficial components, including the following:
- Phytochemicals
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Zinc.
Organic Black Seed Oil replenishes topical moisture levels by reinforcing the water storage capacity of the skin and hair.
It’s excellent for maintaining skin health and vitality, but it’s also very useful in the treatment of Acne and ameliorating conditions like Eczema and reducing the appearance of Psoriasis.
But, because Eczema and Psoriasis are gut issues, taking Organic Nigella Sativa Oil internally is exceptionally useful.
Organic Black Seed Oil Fights Candida & Other Fungal Infections
Organic Black Seed Oil is a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent. It has been shown to reduce instances of candida, fungus, and even intestinal parasites when taken orally. (More on parasites later.)
Black Seed Oil can also be applied topically as well as taken internally to treat persistent skin and nail fungal infections including athlete’s foot, ringworm, and toe nail fungus.
*We tend to suffer from topical fungal infections when we have an internal / digestive fungal overgrowth, so treating internally and externally is advised.
For long-term nail fungus we advocate adding Oregano Essential Oil to the mix. Oregano Essential Oil & Nigella Sativa, as well as Oregano Essential Oil and Neem are the two preparations Wild As The Wind advocates for nail fungus.
Wild As The Wind do a ready made version of this for those who prefer the ease of someone else preparing the blend for them :: Oregano & Nigella Sativa Preparation
Read the series of articles on the very real dangers of mould and fungal infections in the Wild As The Wind blog:
Organic Nigella Sativa For Vitiligo
Organic Black Seed Oil has been shown to exert a significant effect on skin with light patches appearing. These patches have been shown to measurably darken. See link to the study relating to this effect below.
Organic Nigella Sativa For Acne
Organic Black Seed Oil has also proven very useful in reducing the appearance and spread of Acne. See link to the study relating to this effect below.
Organic Nigella Sativa For Skin Cancer
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil displays considerable anti-tumour activity when applied topically… See the anti-cancer link to the study relating to this effect below.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil Is An Anti-Histamine
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil has been shown to be helpful with the following:
- Asthma
- Itching & irritation (dermal & bronchial)
- Food allergies: reducing symptoms
- Airborne allergies: hay fever + allergic rhinitis + bronchial asthma
- Urticaria
Study :: Dermatological effects of Nigella Sativa
Organic Black Seed Oil For Reducing Symptoms of Asthma
The anti-inflammatory properties of Nigella Sativa have been shown to provide relief for Asthma Sufferers. Many studies reveal that regular use of Nigella Sativa will help in the relaxation of the airways in Asthmatics as well as those suffering from Bronchitis and allergies.
Symptoms relating to allergies, such as; nasal congestion, itching, sneezing, running noses, were all reduced after two weeks using Organic Black Seed Oil.
Organic Black Seed Oil For Reducing Symptoms of Autoimmune Conditions
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil supports the reduction of the swelling associated with autoimmune conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Using Black Seed Oil internally has been scientifically shown to reduce inflammatory markers in the blood.
Additional Reading:
- PQQ For Energy, Mental Health & Inflammatory Pain
- Inflammatory Pain & Pain Relief
- Inflammation Causes All Illness :: Here’s What You Need To Do
- How Do Hemp Essential Oil & CBD Isolates Work?
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil For Fertility
Medical research has revealed that Organic Nigella Sativa Oil improves male sperm count, sperm motility, and semen volume. The research concluded that Organic Nigella Sativa Oil has a positive influence on sperm parameters, Leydig cells, all reproductive organs, as well as sexual hormones.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil & Parasites
I personally use Organic Back Seed Oil in conjunction with Oregano Essential Oil as an anti-parasitic. I do this routinely about every six months, but if I’m forgetful, I’ll leave it a year before engaging the simple anti-parasitic protocol mentioned in Oregano Essential Oil In Brief and Oregano & Nigella Sativa Preparation. But, I do it knowing that the ancillary benefits are immense…! This is why…
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil In Parasite Cleanses
Perhaps due to their ‘yuck’ factor, parasitic infections aren’t often openly discussed in polite company. But, the reality is, parasitic infections are incredibly widespread, so we’re not doing ourselves, or anyone else, any favours by keeping our parasitic infections to ourselves… Especially considering how easily a lot of parasites can be transferred and contracted from one human to another.
However, there are a lot of people suffering from parasites who don’t even know about it.
It’s estimated that 90% of Americans are infected with one kind of parasite or another… this is why cross-infection risks are very high… especially in view of the fact the majority of people afflicted are completely unaware of their infection.
This being the case, the chance we’ve been served food by someone with parasites, or food which has been prepared by someone with parasites, is pretty high. Plus, the likelihood of exposure via someone else’s parasites, within a six month window, in one way or another, usually via our children etc, is tremendously high…
So, doing a parasite cleanse routinely every six months can be very useful!
**I believe every six months is very useful… others say every 4 months… but doing one a year is way better than doing none at all!!!
Note :: Don’t worry about doing regular parasite cleanses with regards your gut bacterial health. Oregano Essential Oil mainly kills bad bacteria and has a tendency to preserve some of the good probiotic bacteria, which is vital for gut and overall health. Read more here :: Oregano Essential Oil
Plus, as already mentioned, I’m also aware of all of the other benefits of using Organic Nigella Sativa Oil when I use it in my anti-parasitical protocol… so, I prefer to use it as my preferred carrier oil rather than something a lot more benign.
***Coconut Oil or Olive Oil would be good carrier oil alternatives, but nothing beats the healing power of Nigella Sativa! However, there are contraindications, so read these below before using Nigella Sativa, or Black Seed Oil.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil Dosage
Internal Use:
No more than 45 drops to be taken internally twice daily.
***You may need to dilute your dose with another base oil if you gut condition is particularly sensitive. Therefore, Eczema and Psoriasis suffers, (which have their root in the gut), or those with other sensitivity issues can use Olive Oil or Coconut Oil in a ratio of 50:50 to Nigella Sativa, or even higher levels of the alternate oils, slowly increasing the Nigella Sativa content over time.
External Use:
A little caution is also required for topical application. It’s important to dilute Organic Black Seed Oil for some applications. Organic Sweet Almond Oil or Organic Apricot Kernal are ideal, and very affordable.
***2g is approximately 45 drops of Nigella Sativa Oil, to be taken internally followed by a glass of warm water.
Weight Loss Dosage
Take one to two doses of 45 drops of Nigella Sativa internally, immediately followed by a glass of warm water, daily. One in the morning and one in the evening, at least 20 minutes before or after food.
I think the Nigella Sativa is definitely helping with my weight loss.
Tracey, Surrey
Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil can be added to your warm water, to further enhance the gut reconditioning benefits of this beverage, and improve detox and weight-loss.
Add one drop of Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil to each glass of warm water to be drunk immediately after ingesting your Nigella Sativa Seed Oil.
The Cumin Seed spice is also unsurprisingly better for weight loss than conventional pharmaceutical weight-loss drugs.
Organic Black Seed Oil / Nigella Sativa Oil Contraindications
For those with delicate skin, or known ‘sensitive’ skin conditions it’s best to use Black Seed Oil or Nigella Sativa with caution. However, the chances of an adverse reaction are negligible and any concerns are certainly outweighed by the many and varied benefits of this oil.
However, always perform a patch test on the inside skin of your forearm before applying Black Seed Oil more universally on your body, or before consuming Black Seed Oil internally.
Organic Black Seed Oil may cause side effects in people with food intolerances and those with sensitive skin conditions, as well as those on certain prescription medications. The latter group need to refer to the contraindications list of their prescription drugs before using this oil internally.
Organic Nigella Sativa Oil may cause contact dermatitis; characterised by irritated, angry patches where the oil has been topically applied. Your skin may also become itchy, blotchy, discoloured (usu. red) , dry and flakey.
As per the above report, this has only ever been experienced by one person, and there’s speculation that the quality of the oil used in the study was suspect in this instance.
Because Black Seed Oil has not been tested on pregnant women it’s use is not recommended during pregnancy.
More Info
For more information about the true scope of the healing powers of Nigella Sativa I recommend this brilliant article in GreenMedInfo.
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
Deepen your knowledge by using the Wild As The Wind Recommended Resources
Another resource you may find useful can be found by following the link below. *Please note, I use sources from the Recommended Resources list as well as sources from the Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources list when researching articles for the Wild As The Wind Blog.
Wild As The Wind use a number of resources when deciding which essential oil formulas to put together for optimal healing and efficacy, as well as to support any health claims we may make.
We use the industry ‘bible’ on essential oil safety: Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals [2nd Edition] by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, to establish the safety of the Wild As The Wind formulations.
Many of the scientific studies used to inform the claims made on this website have been accessed via GreenMedInfo, and the Dr. Josh Axe website.
Other resources include:
- PubMed
- WebMD
- Robert Tisserand
- Dr. Robert Pappas
- AromaWeb
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