Peripheral Nerve Tonic
Here’s another recipe for you to make at home…

The Wild As The Wind Peripheral Nerve Tonic Recipe is designed to return normal sensation to nerve damaged regions of the body.
Wild As The Wind Peripheral Nerve Tonic Ingredients
- St John’s Wort Sunflower Oil Infusion 1:5
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Frankincense Serata Essential Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Basil Essential Oil
- Turmeric Essential Oil
- Sweet Birch Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus Lemon Essential Oil
- Geranium Essential Oil
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Clove Bud Essential Oil
- Black Pepper Essential Oil
Directions For Use
Wrists & Hands & Smaller Areas Of The Body
Smaller areas of the body only need two to three drops of Peripheral Nerve Tonic.
Rub the oil in circular motions to the affected area until all of the oil has been absorbed.
Limbs & Large Areas Of The Body
Apply four or five drops of Peripheral Nerve Tonic to each large area of the body affected by neuralgia and rub until warm. Keep massaging Peripheral Nerve Tonic into your skin until all of the oil has been absorbed.
For external use only.
No known side effects when used as directed.
Avoid contact with clothing as staining may occur with regular contact.
St John’s Wort Contraindications
St John’s Wort is contra-indicated with a lot of Western medicines, particularly the stronger meds prescribed for chronic conditions.
The most common prescription drugs with contraindications to St John’s Wort are methotrexate, indinavir, cyclosporin as well as anti-depressants known collectively as SSRI’s.
Those on warfarin also may have issues.
IMPORTANT :: It is vital that you check the contra-indications listed on your medication fact sheets and instructions before buying and using this product.
In This Article:
- Peripheral Nerve Tonic
- What Is Neuropathy?
- Types Of Peripheral Nerve Damage
- Symptoms Of Neuropathy
- What Can Peripheral Nerve Tonic Be Used For?
- Peripheral Nerve Tonic & RSI
- What Is Neuropathy?
- Essential Oil Health Benefits For Nerve Damage
Neuropathy can be a painful condition, or one that creates an uncomfortable numbness, after the peripheral nervous system has been damaged in some way.
Peripheral Nervous System
The peripheral nervous system is what connects the nerves from the central nervous system, comprised of the brain and spinal chord, to the rest of the body. The connections are made to the skin and other major organs, our muscles, and extremities such as; hands, feet, legs.
There are elevated amounts of nerve endings in the feet and hands, and the same is true of the face. Our mouths and eyes are particularly well served with nerve endings, which are needed to detect dangers as well as advantageous conditions.
Peripheral Nervous System Function
It is these nerve endings that are responsible for sending messages about physical sensations back to our brains. When these nerve endings are damaged the messages either don’t get through, or they are somehow muffled, or open to misinterpretation. This is why the phenomenon of Phantom Limb’ exists and why symptoms can sometimes be referred elsewhere.
Nerve Damage
Nerve damage can, therefore, mean we may not be able to feel physical pain when something is hurting us or our brains may sometimes send a pain signal when we haven’t even sustained an injury.
Types Of Peripheral Nerve Damage
Unfortunately, certain forms of nerve damage are permanent. Nerves can be severed by accidents and surgery and cannot be repaired. Also, nerves that have been trapped by long term inflammation are also less likely to recover, although it is precisely these types of nerve issues the Peripheral Nerve Tonic has been developed for.
There are three different nerve groups:
- Sensory Nerves
- Motor Nerves
- Autonomic Nerves
Neuropathy can beset all three types of nerves.
Sensory Nerves
Sensory nerves extend to the surface of the skin and receive messages such as; pain, heat, cold and touch.
These sensory nerves are the most commonly damaged if the skin is permanently injured. Burns, prolonged hypothermic exposure, and deep grazing of the skin, for example, can all permanently damage the sensory nerves.
Motor Nerves
Motor nerves, which are connected to our muscles, controlling the way in which the muscles are used, are more usually damaged in high impact accidents and sports injuries.
Autonomic Nerves
Autonomic nerves are connected to our internal organs, controlling life sustaining functions like digestion, heart rate, blood pressure and bladder function.
Symptoms Of Neuropathy
Tingling sensations on the surface of the skin anywhere in the body and within the hands and feet
- Numbness, or conversely, extreme sensitivity
- Sharp, or burning sensations, or even stabbing pains
- Poor coordination and a diminishing control over motor function, which is displayed in clumsiness and an inability to hold onto things.
- Muscles are weakened and limbs feel cumbersome and too heavy to move gracefully.
Autonomic Nerve Malfunctions:
- Heat intolerance and/or a change in sweating patterns
- Digestive issues
- Bladder problems
- Blood pressure issues causing dizziness
What Causes Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is actually a widespread disorder and is symptomatic of a number of conditions that are on a dramatic increase.
As mentioned Repetitive Stress Syndrome and Type Two Diabetes claim vast numbers of people to a life of neuropathy.
*Diabetes is the leading cause of peripheral neuropathy.
Also, autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis significantly contribute to the development of neuropathy.
Organ Disease such as fatty liver disease and cirrhosis, kidney disease, as well as hypothyroidism, and connective tissue disorders may lalso contribute to the development of neuropathy.
Environmental Toxins
There are many environmental toxins, (heavy metals, petro chemical fertilisers, insecticides, herbicides, larvicides and solvents), which are all damaging to the nerves, but legal poisons like alcohol and quite a few prescription drugs can also contribute to the creation of neuropathy.
Heavy metal exposure can be the result of dentistry in the form of amalgam fillings, which are 50% Mercury.
Viral and bacterial infections can cause neuropathy, even commonly contracted conditions like Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis C and the Epstein-Barr virus. Unfortunately, other conditions that are on the increase are also more than capable of causing neuropathy, like; Lyme disease, which we contract from ticks that have had contact with infected rats. Even innocuous, short lived infections like chicken pox and shingles carry the risk of neuropathy.
Conditions that afflict people in the developing world more than they do the West include HIV and leprosy.
Developing Countries
I have worked with leprosy sufferers and have seen first-hand the devastation that the neuropathy of this condition causes. As with diabetics, it’s injuries sustained due to neuropathy that lead to the loss of digits and hands and feet.
But there is something more moving about a slender young man in India with no hands than an obese Westerner still cramming cream doughnuts down their gullet with their remaining good hand.
Sugar Addition
I am a sugar addict myself, and this subject is close to my heart, as I also have neuropathy from RSI, from decades as a professional writer, but I know it is possible to quit the addiction of sugar, even though I believe it to have grappled a greater grip upon me than anything else on this planet. I am an ex-smoker of 41 years… filterless roll-ups, because if you’re going to do something you should do it properly, and I’ve pretty much taken every drug going aside from Smack… but sugar is the demon that torments me most.
But, still, I have less sympathy for the doughnut gnashing Westernerer, than I do the silent, humbly noble young man, with thick wavey black hair, whom I will never stop seeing in my minds eye, in his tiny hut with pictures on the wall, in India.
But I digress…
Nutritional Deficiencies
Vitamin deficiencies are a leading cause of neuropathy. We need sufficient vitamin E, B1, B6, and B12 to maintain healthy nerves.
Eating sufficient fat is also a dietary must. Extremely low fat diets will inevitable cause nerve damage.
Accidents & Injuries
All accidents and injuries have the potential for causing temporary or permanent nerve damage.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is what I suffer from, and what is likely to cause me to terminate my latest love affair with music, (my violin playing), is what causes a certain form of neuropathy. It is brought about by RSI due to placing too much pressure on the nerves of the wrist from repetitive movement, i.e. typing.
Anything that causes inflammation or other forms of the restriction to the nerves can cause neuropathy.
What Can Peripheral Nerve Tonic Be Used For?
Peripheral Nerve Tonic can be used for all types of neurological damage, but it is particularly helpful for conditions like Repetitive Stress Injury, or RSI, and the kind of temporary nerve damage that is sustained during bumps, falls, strains and sprains.
It can also be applied to extremities that are suffering from neuropathy as a consequence of Type Two Diabetes, but unless the sufferer is able to gain control of their condition through modifications to their diet, then the Wild As The Wind Peripheral Nerve Tonic will only provide symptomatic relief rather than a cure for the nerve damage.
Peripheral Nerve Tonic & RSI
RSI is an insidious condition that only seems to be improved by resting. However, symptoms soon tend to recur when activities are resumed.
Unfortunately, there are many repetitive activities to be performed in the modern world: everything from using keyboards and joy sticks, to working at checkouts, playing musical instruments and gardening. Even driving exacts a cost!
The way that Peripheral Nerve Tonic can help with chronic conditions like RSI is to relieve inflammation and stimulate blood flow.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil is anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and exerts a cooling effect on injured tissue and nerves.
Birch Essential Oil
Sweet Birch Essential Oil has been used for centuries to tone and tighten the skin. Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate make Sweet Birch Essential Oil ideal for easing tension, swelling, and pain in nerve damaged areas of the body.
Basil Essential Oil
Basil Essential Oil is a nervine, which means that it is helpful in dealing with feelings of anxiousness, fear, nervousness, and depression. Basil Essential Oil has been heralded as the oil of renewal, which may account for it’s ability to restore frayed nerves.
Basil Essential Oil is both strengthening and calming to the heart and mind, which makes it the ideal tonic for those that are experiencing overwhelm, chronic stress, and fatigue.
Basil Essential Oil is often used to overcome addiction, as it will help mitigate the feelings of anxiety during the cessation process.
This wonderfully aromatic essential oil has been included in this blend because emotional and mental stress cause tension in the body. This tension, in turn, can be deleterious to the peripheral nervous system due to repetitive clenching and permanently clenched muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves.
- They can relieve pain.
- They can ease irritation and soothe the affected areas.
- They can improve circulation throughout the body.
- They have antioxidant properties that can reverse oxidative stress and protect against damage to the cells.
- They can improve digestive health.
- They can help to balance the hormones.
Many essential oils can help people with stress and sleeping troubles which are often experienced in people with neuropathy.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil improves circulation and provides nervous system support. It also controls muscle spasms, relieves pain, improves digestion as well as respiration, and exerts a cooling and pain-relieving action on the body. Peppermint has more ketones than practically all other essential oils, although Rosemary Essential Oil, which is also included in this blend, has a therapeutic number of ketones as well.
Black Pepper Essential Oil
Black Pepper Essential Oil possesses antiviral and analgesic properties. It also stimulates the circulation and provides nervous system support, Like Peppermint Essential Oil it aids digestion and relieves flatulence.
Geranium Rose Essential Oil
Geranium Rose provides circulatory support, increasing sluggish circulation.
This antimicrobial essential oil also relieves pain, balances hormones, stops bleeding, and can be used as an astringent. It is also anti-inflammatory.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil is an antiseptic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory essential oil that provides multiple benefits, the main ones being that it relieves muscle spasms and improves respiration.
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil is one of the most versatile essential oils. It’s antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic. analgesic, anti-spasmodic and has scar and wound healing abilities. A lot of these benefits are attributable to the good number of ketones found in Rosemary Essential Oil.
It also improves respiration, regenerates nerve tissue, increases circulation, relaxes muscle fibres, and removes lactic acid as well as helping to clear cell receptor sites.
Frankincense Serata Essential Oil
Frankincense Serata Essential Oil is profoundly anti-inflammatory and offers incredible pain-relieving capabilities. It also stimulates the immune system, relaxes the muscles, and improves respiration.
Turmeric Essential Oil
Frankincense Serata Essential Oil and Turmeric Essential Oil when combined help to reduce:
- Inflammation and help to improve circulation.
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil anti-inflammatory and helps to relieve pain.
Birch Essential Oil
Birch Essential Oil soothes muscle and joint pain, helps to relieve cramps, contains anti-inflammatory properties, eases the symptoms of arthritis
and tendonitis as well as providing a good amount of relief for neuropathy.
It is not the best smelling essential oil, and lends this particular oil blend a burnt earthy smell that won’t be everybody’s cup of tea.
Clove Bud Oil
Clove oil is probably best known for its ability to numb the pain of a toothache but it has so many more uses than just dental care. It is used by many people suffering from neuropathy to ease their symptoms.
According to animal research conducted in Scotland; the euganol contained in clove essential oil was able to improve the nerve function of rats suffering from diabetic neuropathy.
Clove bud essential oil also has excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity and can be helpful in treating menstrual pain and emotional issues such as depression which may result from neuropathy.
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
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