UK Recommended Retailers

Wild As The Wind customers regularly ask me to make recommendations about a wide variety of other businesses and organisations.
I am more than happy to do this, but sometimes it can be very time consuming. Hopefully the listings on this page will make my recommendations a lot easier for you to access, and will reduce my administrative burdens over time…
UK Businesses Only
The reason this list is exclusively comprised of UK suppliers is partly because Wild As The Wind is a UK business and we want to support other UK initiatives.
The other reason is, sadly, less positive…
Tragically, Brexit has inflicted many changes and impositions upon all Continental European countries, as well as the UK. This means that there is ongoing confusion around new trading practices, import and export duties and sales taxes etc.
Even some very large companies with an established European customer base have ceased supporting their non-UK customers for the foreseeable future.
It is with deep regret that Wild As The Wind Natural Skincare & Essential Oils has suspended sales to the Continent as we simply don’t have the administrative capacity to cope with the new administrative burdens that Brexit has imposed.
**Even though Wild As The Wind Natural Skincare & Essential Oils is a UK business, Wild As The Wind products were sent overseas prior to Brexit.
It is our deepest hope that Continental European customers will be able to buy Wild As The Wind products again in the future. We just need to grow a little in stature for that to happen.
UK Based Retailers Of Healthcare Products
Thankfully the UK is very well served by businesses supplying natural healthcare products.
I have included a list of all of my preferred health product retailers, but this is, by no means exhaustive.
Other UK Based Retailers
I have extended this list to include food suppliers, and other small, UK independent businesses who do not operate in the health and wellbeing space.
Now, more than ever, it’s imperative to show support for small, UK independent businesses. So many are struggling, especially artisanal UK producers.
Hopefully you will find some other great artisan producers on this page.
UK Online Health & Wellbeing Suppliers
The UK online suppliers of products I most rely on are:
Wild As The Wind
Yes, Wild As The Wind has an online shop!
***Wild As The Wind is a Bristol Green Capital Partner.
Detox Trading
Rarely a day goes by without me mentioning Detox Trading!
This is where I buy herbs and powders, as well as the oft mentioned Phytoplankton, which I believe we should all be taking.
Also tremendously important is Shilajit and Ashwagandha.
And, I love the powdered Sea Buckthorn, Rosehip and Tulsi / Holy Basil.
UK Food Suppliers
Real Food Source
Real Food Source sell predominantly food based items.
I recommended this Scottish family business for buying affordable Organic Nuts, Organic Nut Butters and Organic Coconut & Cacao products… the latter of which you will need for Homemade Chocolate.
Eat Chocolate Every Day If You Know What’s Good For You
Beech Ridge Farm
Beech Ridge Farm are excellent suppliers of humanely reared poultry and lambs. They do not employ the routine use of drugs, such as antibiotics, to fatten produce etc.
I buy all of my chicken livers for homemade pate and chicken carcasses for making stock from Beech Ridge Farm.
Beech Ridge Farm are based near Wellington, Somerset. They are at a number of North Somerset Farmers Markets including Wells, Axbridge and Bath.
Glenholme Herbs
The lovely and talented owner of Glenholme Herbs, Alison, is a fellow trader at Glastonbury Market and Wells Market. She sells a really diverse range of beautiful and robust herbal plants, which always thrive once planted out. (I’m a long-term customer!) Plus, her prices are a third of what you would pay at a garden centre.
Alison’s new website is fab! Visit now to check out an excellent selection of plants :: Glenholme Herbs.
Get Advice At Your Local Independent Health Shop
Please help me improve this list by adding your favourite UK Independent Health Food Shop in the comments. It would be great to eventually compile a full list of UK Independent Health Food shops we know and trust.
South West Retailers
This list is currently pretty restricted. It only lists a few places to go in Somerset and Avon to obtain health and wellbeing advice, as well as supplies.
This list includes Bath, Bristol and Wells.
Sorry this isn’t an exhaustive list of UK independent health shops… with your help it could be! PLEASE CONTRIBUTE.
Somerset & Avon
We are well blessed in Avon and Somerset in the Independent Health Shop department.
Bath has a couple of independents, with one specialising in supplements, and Bristol has a good number of very good health shops, with one outstanding health food shop which has been going for decades.
And Wells, although officially a city, is the size of a small town, but still boasts an impressive independent health food shop, with a good selection of supplements.
Please add your favourite independent health food and supplement shops in the comments! It’s important to give shout outs to those who work tirelessly to support our health in an increasingly toxic world!
Somerset Retailers
The largest Health Food Shop in Glastonbury was added via the comments at the end of this article, as were the Gloucestershire shops in Stroud.
Bath Health Shop
The best independent Bath Health Shop for advice, supplements and tonics is Seasons Natural Health Shop. Just ask Annie and Inga for their help. They believe in providing a fantastic personal service to their customers, and consequently invest very little of their time online. Obviously, with EMF and blue screen radiation presenting such horrendous health risks I support them 100%!
Wells Health Food Shop
Good Earth Health Food Shop in Wells, North Somerset, is a well stocked store on the outskirts of town, next to a carpark and the bus station. It sits behind a cafe of the same name, which serves fabulous, healthy vegetarian food, and provides, without doubt, the healthiest lunches on offer in Wells on any day of the week!
***Also see customer comment in the Glastonbury Health Food Shop section.
Glastonbury Health Food Shop
You have omitted the best health food shop in the area and that is Earthfare in Glastonbury. Along with the Good Earth in Wells they are my favourites in this part of the country.
Anthony, Wedmore, Somerset
Bristol Health Food Shop
The best independent health food shop, particularly for advice about tonics and supplements is Wild Oats in Bristol. They have been going an awful long time and always have a qualified nutritionist or herbalist on hand. You will find them near the Downs in Clifton, Bristol. (Sorry to my American readers… I’m afraid that’s Bristol UK!)
Gloucestershire Retailers
The most popular health food shop in Stroud has been detailed in the comments also.
Sunshine Health and Sunshine Bakery in Stroud are both wonderful and have bern in business for decades.
Surrey Eco Enterprises
If you put “Facial Oil Surrey” into Google FACIAL OIL No. 2 is the first and second result. But Wild As The Wind Essential Oils are popular in Surrey too.
Jane Foley of Poison Ivy Designs is a Surrey based essential oil customer.
Because of Jane’s aligned business she very much deserves a mention here. Based, more specifically in Farnham, West Surrey, Jane is an accredited wildflower turf installer, garden designer, garden doctor and also provides quirky floral designs for grand occasions and weddings, parties and Christmas.
Jane’s website is a lot of fun, and worth a visit even if you live in the Outer Hebrides, and thus very unlikely to be booking her expertise.
Wild As The Wind Essential Oils
Visit Wild As The Wind at Wells Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and Glastonbury Market from Spring onwards, and Shaftesbury Cobbles Market every third Sunday. Essential oils and Wild As The Wind blended products are also available online.

UK Independents Versus International Chains
We are a whole world better off going to our UK independent health food shops or UK online shops than using the international chain stores.
There’s a couple of internationally owned chains stores on our High Street, as well as online, purporting to be health shops, who are peddling toxic products and quite a few which are down right dangerous to our health.
I advise AGAINST going to these High Street chain stores, with their constant sales, because the quality of their products is incredibly poor!
In my opinion, these health products are scandalously inferior to what you would find in a proper professionally run independent health food and supplement shop… so much so, in fact, that what the chains are selling surely must border on the criminal in some cases?
The chain stores are usually staffed by people who know very little about the products, which is another indiction we shouldn’t be buying things there.
Thanks for taking the time to read this article. Please let me know what think, or better still, please let me know your favourite indie health shop!
As of 9th March 2020 Wild As The Wind and Detox Trading have opted to agree to an affiliate agreement.
Sunshine health and sunshine bakery in Stroud are both wonderful and have bern in business for decades
Hope this helps
P S we are a new business reconditioning old soda Syphons to help people get fizzy drinks (with yummy natural cordials and syrups) but minus the plastic bottles. Would you consider having a conversation at all? We could use some marketing assistance.
We are also based in Stroud
Hi Julia,
Thanks so much for your submission. It’s very much appreciated. I have removed your private information before approving your comment. I’ll be in touch via email.
All the best,
Rachel x
You have omitted the best health food shop in the area and that is Earthfare in Glastonbury. Along with the Good Earth in Wells they are my favourites in this part of the country
Thanks Anthony x x x Really appreciate your input. They are my two faves as well 🙂 I have added your comment to the main body of the page.
I truly appreciate people drawing attention to my omissions. I work a minimum of 16 hours a day seven days a week and still fall ever more behind. I’m grateful for any scrap of help I can get. x x x Did you know i hand blend all of my products and research and write all of the content? As well as doing all the admin, and packaging all of the online orders etc, etc…?