Why Are Admin Charges Applied?
Wild As The Wind reserves the right to apply Admin Charges to the following:
- Answering email queries when the information is readily available on the Wild As The Wind website.
- Resolving non-delivery of online purchases where Wild As The Wind is not at fault.
- Dealing with any situation Wild As The Wind is not legally obliged to deal with, but have received a request for assistance.
An Admin Charge is usually payable prior to the action it pertains to being carried out. You will be advised of this if this is the case.
What Is An Admin Charge?
An Admin Charge is a cost applied to resolving certain situations.
An Admin Charge is levied when more than quarter of an hour is required to deal with an extraordinary situation, which is not the fault of Wild As The Wind.
Missing parcels are the main culprit here. But, Admin Charges can also be applied to providing exceptional advice or helping to resolve an issue with a third party on the behest of a customer.
What Is The Cost Of An Admin Charge?
The minimum cost of an Admin Charge is £10.00
However, Wild As The Wind reserves the right to levy Admin Charges of any amount on a situation by situation basis. This means that Admin Charges will be calculated on an individual basis, based on the perceived amount of time it will take to resolve an issue.
Why Does Wild As The Wind Charge For Time?
Most people charge for their time, and Wild As The Wind is no different. If you have a job, or you provide a service as a self-employed individual, you charge for your time.
Time is a very critical factor at Wild As The Wind.
All of the Wild As The Wind products are hand blended. So, one of the costs of producing these products is the time it takes for them to be weighed, measured and blended, as well as bottled and labelled.
Time spent resolving issues negatively impacts production of Wild As The Wind hand blended products and so Admin Charges serve to achieve a number of things. These include:
- Compensate for the loss of earnings from not being able to make and sell as many products.
- Time is a quantified and chargeable element of the Wild As The Wind business so it is directly chargeable to customers also.
- Wild As The Wind have a fiduciary responsibility to our customers to keep the quality and cost of products as keen and favourable as possible. This is only possible if no time is wasted.
- Levying an Admin Charge deters time wasters and helps them to take responsibility for the situations they create which threaten to negatively impact Wild As The Wind.
In Can I Collect In Person? I explain this in more detail.
Not Happy With Your Admin Charge?
Is your Admin Charge too expensive?
Are you annoyed you have been asked to pay an Admin Charge?
Did you think because so much valuable information has been provided for free, both in person and on the Wild As The Wind website that there would be no end to the Wild As The Wind free output?
Or perhaps, this should be seen as generosity of spirit rather than the rather crudely worded ‘free output’…?
But sorry, however we view it, there is always a cost to generosity…. and, there is an extreme cost to extreme generosity. But, the fact is, the cost is almost always born by Wild As The Wind in these cases.
Having been so ill herself, and having found it so difficult to find the right information to get well again, Rachel Wild is now passionately motivated to try and help others to restore their health. She knows that so many people will be unable to find the information she was finally able to unearth, because she herself had found it exceptionally difficult, and she is a digital researcher and writer.
Rachel Wild makes a very conscious choice to give her time up to provide free advice in person out on location and through her articles on the Wild As The Wind website, even though she is fully aware of the cost to herself.
However, she is not willing to meet the demands for free assistance over and above what is already provided so freely.
In fact, she does not take kindly to people demanding her assistance precisely because she is so generous with her time. And, she is particularly aggrieved when asked to resolve the mistakes that others have made themselves when they patently should be resolving them on their own.
If the mistakes of others need to be resolved by Wild As The Wind an Admin Charge will always be levied.
How Much Do You Get Paid Per Hour?
Before contesting your Admin Charge ask yourself these questions:
- How much do I get paid per hour?
- How much is Wild As The Wind levying as an Admin Charge?
- How long will Wild As The Wind spend resolving this issue?
You will find the Admin Charge being levied is a fraction of what you would have been paid to resolve the same issue.
So, if you would like to see a resolution to the issue you have created, please pay your Admin Charge and let the situation be resolved.
Or, better still, why don’t you simply take responsibility for the situations you have created yourself, and avoid attracting an Admin Charge in the first place…? This would certainly make Wild As The Wind and Rachel Wild very happy!