5G & Wireless Tech
5G & Wireless tech present an unprecedented threat to humanity. Although, if any of you believe in there being any truth to the tales of Atlantis, then perhaps this stupendously beautiful but dying planet has witnessed a similar situation to the dreadful predicament we are being forced to face within this capitalistic greed-driven world fuelled by wireless technologies.
There are a good number of articles on this website detailing the devastating effects to our health and environment from wireless technologies.
Big Tech is producing pseudo-science, just like Big Tobacco, Big Pharma and Big Asbestos etc…
The 5G and wireless technology articles on the Wild As The Wind website are an attempt to help redress the balance so that we can make better informed, more healthful choices for ourselves.
And, there are more reasons, other than blatant bare-faced lying, which suggest the science is flawed…
Why we can’t trust academic journals to tell the scientific truth
But, whatever the case, with non-infectious disease rates sky rocketing like never before, there is something about this modern world of ours which is killing us like flies…
Full List Of 5G & Wireless Technology Articles
But before you click the link above, please be aware of this…
Anyone speaking out against wireless tech is being censored within search engines & on social media. If you trust this information to be true. please share it far and wide before the ability to do so will be lost completely. And, don’t forget to sign up for the free summit! by clicking the image above I have seen a lot of the talks already. It’s well worth your time, and the future of humanity likely depends on this information getting out there.
Blood Analysis After Exposure To Wireless Technology
5G Is Everywhere & Shungite Pendants
Shungite has been shown to help reduce the adverse effects of non-native EMF.
1,600+ scientific papers can be found here: https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/science/studies.asp
4000+ studies can be found here: http://www.bioinitiative.org
23,840 studies are linked here: www.EMF-portal.org
Details of the vast number of known biological effects from wireless radiation: https://www.5gfrequencyfreefairbanks.org
Hi there. Greetings from Spain! Same here. We’re being sensored about 5G and vaccinations and much more. We have lost free speech!
Hi Robert, great to hear from you 🙂 Sadly, the world has lost free speech… Tragically, more people need to wake up to this reality, and what this means! I have been warning of all of this since February in my series entitled Covid-19 Collapse. I urge you to read these articles as they describe what is really going on as far as I can tell, having joined all the dots… It’s feasible to speculate we’re under house arrest to stop us from rioting because we’ve been in the throes of a massive economic crash since the end of last year which will make 2008 look like a walk in the park! :: https://www.wilddigital.co.uk/covid-19-crash/