This page deals with the most commonly asked questions relating to the different Wild As The Wind product groups. Scrool down to locate the product group you are interested in.
*If this page doesn’t answer your query, please present your query in the comments section at the end of the article, and it will be answered soon. Thanks.
Wild As The Wind Product Usage Instructions
This page details the usage of the main Wild As The Wind products.
However, there are many different ways of finding out how to use Wild As The Wind products, all of which are listed in this article…
The best place to look for product usage instructions is on the actual product page within the Wild As The Wind Online Shop. There are also product pages for many of the staple Wild As The Wind products on this website, which is known as the Wild As The Wind Info Website.
Facial Oil FAQ’s
Which face oil do I have?
Because part of the label is handwritten in permanent felt tip, and because NOTHING is permanent around oils, the handwritten portion of the label can rub off over time. Sorry!
However, figuring out which Wild As The Wind Faciasl Oil you have is simple. Just read the ingredients.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 primary ingredient is Prunus Dulci (Almond) Oil
FACIAL OIL No. 8 primary ingredient is Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil
Are the WIld As The Wind face oils organic?
FACIAL OIL No. 8 is 100% organic and contains some organic wildcrafted ingredients.
FACIAL OIL No. 2 is over 99.99% organic and also contains some organic wildcrafted ingredients.
What other products go with WIld As The Wind face oils?
There are four really important complementary products that go with WIld As The Wind face oils.
Wild As The Wind Makeup Removal Protocol
UK Handmade Cotton Makeup Pads
Organic Muslin Exfoliating Cloth
Facial Oil Directions For Use
As the Wild As The Wind Facial Oils come with machine printed labels, which permits the use of very small text, the print is occasionally a little smaller than some people would like… but, the labels contain full usage instructions, nonetheless.
But, nothing is more fully explained than how and why to use Wild As The Wind Facial Oils in this article:
There are also a good number of supplementary articles about Facial Oils in the Facial Oils Section of the Wild As The Wind Information Website; i.e this website…
Just use the drop down menu to find what you are looking for. You can do this by simply hovering your cursor over the the Facial Oils tab in the main menu at the top of every page.
Essential Oils Directions For Use
Again, Wild As The Wind Essential Oils come with a professionally printed label. However, as there are so many different ways in which to use essential oils, it isn’t possible to include them on the label.
There are a couple of very useful articles about using Essential Oils on the Wild As The Wind websites:
However, each individual product description on the essential oil product pages details the benefits oif the 200+ Wild As The Wind Essential Oils.
And, as with the Facial Oil Information, there is an entire section of the website devoted to Essential Oils and their many uses. Plus, the Essential Oils tab is easy to find, because it’s right next to the Facial Oils Tab on the top line of the main menu at the top of every page.
Again, just hover your cursor over the Essential Oils Tab so that the drop down menu expands revealing all of the articles in the Essential Oils series.
In addition, there is an Essential Oils In Brief Section. This, in turn, is next to the Essential Oils Section.
The Essential Oils In Brief Section provides very condensed information about the benefits of using essential oils. This list is not yet exhaustive, but all of the main essential oils have their own Essential Oil Profile within this section.
If you simply want to know which Essential Oils are stocked by Wild As The Wind please go to :: Wild As the Wind Essential Oils
Wild As the Wind stock the following types of essential oils:
Finally, there’s an Essential Oil Testimonials Page which is very revealing of the quality of Wild As The Wind Essential Oils as well as some unusual uses for essential oils which Wild As The Wind customers have very kindly introduced us to.
Skincare & Healthcare Products
Wild As The Wind produce a number of skincare and healthcare products which are presented in amber glass bottles with hand printed labels
The hand printed labels, used for most products, contain less information, but often state dosage / usage instructions, or it’s provided via email or in a a supplementary note when the products are dispatched after they’ve been purchased.
On the rare occasion I forget to do this please accept my apologies and refer to the product pages of the products you are interested in, or have already purchased.
You will find product pages on both Wild As The Wind websites:
Wild As The Wind Information Website
There is a search box for you to easily and quickly locate what you are looking for, or you can use the main menu to navigate each website.
Carrier Oils / Base Oils
Wild As The Wind sell a good number of ethically sourced and organic Carrier Oils / Base Oils.
Some Carrier Oils come with very specific usage instructions, especially if the advisegiven is to use a specific Base Oils with a particular Essential Oil, for example Nigella Sativa Oil & Oregano Essential Oil. These two oils are a perfect match in many ways. For example, both are anti-parasitic and both are anti-fungal.
However, there are certain commonly used Carrier Oils, which have very little supporting information. This will be remedied over time.
In the meantime, there is a wealth of information available on the internet these days, particularly on quality websites like these:
PubMed :: USA Government Health Information Website
Additional Information
Wild As The Wind Information Website
*Please be aware, the new Wild As The Wind Shop is where you find all of the T’s & C’s relating to buying Wild As The Wind Products.
Also, it is a work in progress, so if you can’t find the information you are looking for, you will likely find it on the much more well established Wild As The Wind Information Website.
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