Lavender Essential Oil In Brief
Lavender Essential Oil is the most commonly purchased essential oil. This is hardly surprising owing to the broad range of healing potential it possesses as well as it’s well loved aroma. Lavender Aromatherapy Oil, is however, one of the essential oils which most commonly promotes an allergic reaction. The two main reason for this is hyposensitivity due to the consistent topical use of undiluted Lavender Essential Oil, or a hypersensitivity to too many toxic chemicals, either via the mother during gestation or environmentally.
Please read the following form more information:
Hormone Disrupting Substances & Cures
Lavender Essential Oil Health Benefits
Lavender Aromatherapy Oil Health Benefits include: Analgesic + anti-anxiety + antibacterial + anti-convulsant + anti-depressant + antifungal + antineoplastic, (anti-tumour) + anti-inflammatory + antimicrobial + antioxidant + antiseptic + antispasmodic + antiviral + carminative (reduces gastric gas & bloating) + calming + CNS depressant, (CNS = Central Nervous System) + deodorant + detoxifying + hypotensive, (lowers blood pressure) + immuno-stimulating + nervine + sedative + vulnerary (wound healing)
Lavender Essential Oil contains calming, pain-relieving & relaxing properties. It also helps stimulate peristalsis & the production of bile & gastric juices, providing digestive relief. When applied topically to the neck, chest, or back, or when inhaled through steam inhalation it can speed recovery & provide symptomatic relief from respiratory infections. Improves circulation & hypertension. It has also been proven useful for the central nervous system.
It has potential uses predominantly in the treatment of central nervous system disorders, cardiovascular and respiratory infections, and chronic diseases ( Dobetsberger and Buchbauer, 2011;Koulivand et al., 2013;Prusinowska and Emigielski, 2014;Wotman et al., 2017
Lavender Essential Oil Main Uses
- Anxiety + depression + insomnia + hormonal balancing
- Aids sleep (Lavender True not Spike :: see end)
- Immune-boosting + infection-fighting + anti-fungal
- Anxiety + depression
- Digestive pain + indigestion + flatulence + colic + vomiting + diarrhoea
- Respiratory relief: colds + flu +throat infections + asthma + whooping cough, sinusitis + bronchitis + tonsillitis + laryngitis
- Diuretic, which helps prevent cystitis
- Hormonal balancing
Lavender Essential Oil For Skincare
- Acne + dermatitis + psoriasis + eczema
- Anti-wrinkle
- Sunburn + other burns (oven burns etc.)
- Reduces topical itching, swelling and redness
- Cuts + soothes insect bites
- Scars + discolouration + wound healing
- Helps kill lice + lice eggs + nits + improves hair health + growth rates
Lavender Essential Oil Quick Reference
- Lavender True Aromatherapy Oil INCI :: Lavandula Angustifolia or Lavandula Officinalis
- Lavender Spike Aromatherapy Oil INCI :: Lavandula Latifolia
- Country of Origin: France
- Plant Family: Lamiaceae
- Parts Used: Flowers
- Extraction Method: Steam Distillation
- Perfumery Note: Top/Middle
- Chemical Family: Esters, Monoterpenols
- Shelf Life: c. 6 years
Active Constituents in Lavender Essential Oil :: Linalyl acetate + Linalool + (Z)-B-Ocimene + Lavandulyl acetate + Terpinene-4-ol + B-Caryophyllene + (E)-B-Farnesene + (E)-B-Ocimene + 3-Octanyl acetate
Lavender combines well with :: Bergamot Essential Oil + Cedarwood Essential Oil + Clary Sage Essential Oil + Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil + Frankincense Essential Oil + Geranium Essential Oil, Grapefruit Essential Oil + Lemon Essential Oil + Neroli Essential Oil + Sweet Orange Essential Oil + Patchouli Essential Oil + Pine Essential Oil + Rosemary Essential Oil + Tangerine Essential Oil + Rose Otto Essential Oil & Vetiver Essential Oil
Lavender substitute oils :: Tea Tree Essential Oil + Chamomile German Essential Oil + Chamomile Roman Essential Oil + Clary Sage Essential Oil + Hyssop Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil Interesting Fact :: Lavender is capable of fighting anti-fungal resistant skin & nail infections according to the University of Coimbra, which found it to be lethal to skin-pathogenic strains known as dermatophytes, as well as various Candida species. (Source: Mercola)
Lavender Essential Oil Interesting Fact No. 2: According to Jen O’Sullivan, 90% of all of the Lavender Essential Oil in the world is synthetic. This means that 90% of the Lavender Essential Oil in the world is adulterated, and should absolutely be avoided.
It is, therefore, wise to stick to a Certified Organic Lavender Essential Oil, as this is made using plants grown naturally, or buy your aromatherapy oils from a trusted vendor, rather than online.

Different Types Of Lavender Essential Oil
The botanical name of the Lavender Essential Oil commonly used for it’s superior healing abilities is Lavandula Angustifolia or Lavandula Officinalis.
Lavandula Angustifolia and Lavandula officinalis are the Latin names for Lavender True Essential Oil
Lavender Angustifolia is used in herbalism and aromatherapy for therapeutic purposes.
Another form of Lavender Essential Oil is Lavender Spike Essential Oil, with the botanical name of Lavandula Latifolia
The main difference between Lavender Spike Essential Oil & Lavender True Essential Oil is the high camphor and 1.8 cineole content of the Lavender Spike Essential Oil, which makes it significantly more stimulating than Lavandula Angustifolia.
Thus, those who are using Lavender Essential Oil for insomnia should avoid using Lavender Spike Essential Oil, and should rely on Lavender True Essential Oil instead.
However, Lavender Spike Essential Oil is tremendously beneficial for pain relief, as it has excellent analgesic properties.
It might seem strange; but apart from loving lavender fragrance. It was suggested to use it on cotton balls to put in corners of my new wardrobe, to help influence moths not to move in.
Yes, this is certainly an option, but the most commonly used, and most effective essential oil for this purpose is Cedarwood Essential Oil. (And, a lot of people swear by Peppermint Essential Oil for spiders!) x
Will certainly give it a go. Thanks.
You’re welcome. I’m really glad you’re interested enough to enquire. x