Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
This article is a must-read if any of the following applies to you or someone you love:
- Chronic inflammatory pain
- Increased susceptibility to catching colds and flu
- Slow to heal from injuries
- Slow to recover from illnesses
- Brain fog & forgetfulness
- Allergies
- Autoimmunity
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Digestive issues
- Respiratory Issues
- Mental health issues
Please share this article with anyone you feel will benefit. Thanks.
All of these issues indicate a problem with natural immunity.
This article explores the probable causes of the chronic malfunctioning of immune cells which lead to the issues listed above.
It also explains why these symptoms are experienced by those suffering from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Additionally, it offers powerful natural ways of boosting immunity and lowering systemic inflammation.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is the first in a short series of articles concerning systemic inflammation and immune dysfunction and deregulation.
Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil For Heart Health is the second article in the series. It investigates the process through which tissue damage is caused by spike proteins, and how to protect against it. Spike protein infection can lead to myocarditis and pericarditis, serious lung damage and Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, (PoTS). This can occur as a consequence of natural or engineered spike proteins.
Essential Oils For PoTS is the third article in the series.
Mast Cells Are A Big Part Of Our Natural Immunity
Under normal circumstances, immune cells, known as Mast Cells, protect us against bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. They also mount a histamine response to counter allergens.
When functioning normally our Mast Cells are activated periodically, as and when required. But, if they are utilised too often, by overwhelming levels of infection and stress, they can become permanently activated.
When this happens these permanently switched-on Mast Cells cause painful systemic inflammation, and leave us immune-compromised.
Thus, they ultimately end up contributing to the problem that they are actually meant to solve. This is known as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Millions of us are suffering from this condition without knowing it. This is a concerning state of affairs as it means millions of people in the UK alone have impaired immunity.
It also means we are having to endure a compromised quality of life.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Explained
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, aka MCAS, is a long-term inflammatory condition caused by the chronic stimulation of the immune system. MCAS is very difficult to diagnose, and is, in many respects, very similar to other conditions, like Long Covid and a lot of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory conditions.
It is sometimes characterised by:
- Digestive issues
- Emotional issues; such as anxiety, depression and panic attacks
- Extreme allergic reactions
- Chronic pain
- Severe diarrhoea
- Respiratory issues
- Brain fog + memory loss
- Fatigue
- Headaches
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome appears to gravitate towards our individual biological weaknesses to find an easy outlet of expression. This makes the symptoms of MCAS different for everyone.
However, inflammation is always present.
If you have MCAS you are more likely to experience elevated symptoms of coronavirus if you contract the virus, and you are, in all likelihood, more liable to graduate onto Long Covid owing to the nature, or pathology, of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Case Study
An American doctor, Dr. Hertz, received an MCAS diagnosis after receiving the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
Dr. Hertz experienced an adverse reaction within 30 minutes of having the coronavirus vaccine. 24 hours later she was severely incapacitated with neurological and other symptoms.
Being a medical professional she saw many top level specialists, and her case was brought to all of the health related governmental agencies.
Eventually, a doctor working with one of the government agencies diagnosed her with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Further to this another physician, at Harvard University, also thought Hertz had Mast Cell Activation Syndrome after reviewing her blood work.
Dr. Hertz is taking many medications for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, but continues to be unwell.
*Hopefully the natural protocols, including supplements, herbal remedies, and essential oils, toward the end of this article, will be more effective for those who try them.
Despite concerns around censorship here is the link to the original article, posted on the website of Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (Attorney):
Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizxx Vaxxxxe Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None
Sadly, the original article comes with a notice that the originating website is experiencing censorship. This is true of many complementary health websites. It is also true of websites reporting alarming health-related stories that the mainstream media are largely failing to report.
Wild As The Wind is no exception. Please share this incredibly important article wherever possible. This information needs to get out!
Robert F. Kennedy Jnr remains undaunted and in September 2021 won a:
milestone lawsuit against HHS for violating it’s statutory duty to study and safeguard vaccine safety for 32 years
According to the HHS government website:
HHS is the U.S. Government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
Fauci has used his 50 year tenure with the US government to facilitate the capture of all the governmental health agencies by corporate interests. These corporate entities have repeatedly been exposed for unscrupulous practices and egregious profiteering at the expense of the public. They have been ordered by the courts to recompense their victims to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Growing Evidence For Post-Inoculation Inflammatory Disorders
A peer-reviewed report published on October 7th in Acta Paedatrica describes the first known case of multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS) in a child (MIS-C) following the administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine.
According to the report, a previously healthy 17-year-old male developed fever, vomiting, myalgia and chest pain five days after his second dose of the vaccine.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Essential Oils
As well as providing a comprehensive overview of MCAS, this article also outlines many natural protocols, alongside a good number of essential oils, which reduce inflammatory symptoms and may help reverse this condition.
What Are Mast Cells?
Mast Cells are made in our bone marrow and then dispersed throughout the tissue of our body. When functioning normally they mediate acute allergic, immune, and inflammatory reactions.
Mast Cells are heterogeneous, (diverse in character or content) long-lived, and granulated cells.
Mast Cells proliferate in specific sites within our bodies via a number of different mechanisms: proliferation, increased recruitment, increased survival, and increased rate of maturation from its progenitors, (a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates; an ancestor or parent).
Mast Cells & Immune Function
Mast Cells are part of our innate immune system.
More specifically, Mast Cells are white blood cells and are part of our ancient immune system. This means they respond quickly to our environment, like all other parts of our ‘primitive’ systems do, for example the Amygdala, which sparks the ‘fight or flight’ response.
Mast Cells, whilst they are white blood cells, actually reside in our tissue, not our blood… and they are global. So, they are in our digestive system, our organs, and our skin. The reason they are in all soft tissue is because they are there to protect it from pathogenic infection and environmental toxins.
In order to protect us Mast Cells de-granulate or explode, releasing mediators which are designed to combat infection.
Histamine & Other Mediators
Mast Cells synthesise and secrete toxic, pro-inflammatory mediators which initiate an up-regulation of innate immune mechanisms.
Effectively, mediators are toxic chemicals which are designed to neutralise all of the different pathogens we become infected with, either bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic or the toxic by-products of modern industrial processes or farming etc.
Mediator chemicals are toxic to these pathogens and stressors, but they are also toxic to us. However, our bodies need an arsenal that will effectively neutralise invaders, which usually means using innate chemicals that are toxic to us as well.
This is the lesser of two evils as the pathogens and stressors present more of a threat. So, it’s very much a case of the end justifying the means.
Histamine is a well-known mediator, but there are over 1,000 different mediators, all of which are inflammatory. Another more commonly known mediator is Tryptase, which is an enzyme released alongside Histamine.
Other mediators include:
- Proteases
- Prostaglandin D2
- Leukotrienes
- Heparin
- Cytokines (many of which are implicated in Coronary Heart Disease)
Many of us became aware of Cytokines, and the term Cytokine Storm, after the emergence of coronavirus. But, many will still not understand what they are and what they do.
Cytokines are signalling molecules, of which there are several.
An inflammatory Cytokine is a type of Cytokine which is secreted from immune cells / Mast Cells, and certain other cell types, that promote inflammation.
Inflammatory Cytokines are predominantly produced by T helper cells (Th) and Macrophages, as well as Mast Cells, and are involved in the up-regulation of inflammatory reactions.
Like all other mediators, Inflammatory Cytokines play a role in initiating the inflammatory response and in fuelling the innate immune response. Some inflammatory Cytokines have additional roles such as acting as growth factors.
The Cytokine Storms experienced by many sufferers of coronavirus, which sometimes proved lethal, primarily took place in the lungs. As this is potentially one of the pathological outcomes of the virus it is important to mitigate this type of dangerous immune expression by intervening with protocols to
- Reduce infection and the need for inflammatory immune expression.
- Normalise the immune response before a full blown Cytokine Storm can occur.
I will be writing specifically about this in a subsequent article, and I will present Wild As The Wind Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend, mentioned later in this article, as one of the potential ways in which we can avoid a full-blown Cytokine Storm.
Ventilating those experiencing respiratory Cytokine Storms can prove fatal owing to the reduced volume of the lungs. Reduced lung capacity is due to the fluids released into the lungs during the Cytokine Storms.
Clearing airways, reducing inflammation, and neutralising pathogens all increase lung capacity and reduce infection, thereby releasing the body naturally from the need to persist in mounting Cytokine responses.
Wild As The Wind Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend, described below, is an aromatherapy blend intended to address all of these things.
Nigella Sativa Oil is increasingly proving itself to be invaluable in averting permanent tissue damage, especially if used as part of early treatment plans for things like coronavirus etc.
Normal & Abnormal Mast Cell Function
In normal circumstances, the Mast Cells reset, or go back to normal, once the infection has been dealt with. This means they return to their dormant state waiting for the next infection to occur.
But, in certain individuals, Mast Cell behaviour is excessive, and unrelenting, owing to Mast Cell mutation. In these people the Mast Cells don’t stop releasing innate toxic chemicals, or mediators, even after the original pathogen or toxic invader has long since been eradicated.
This is called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Probable Causes Of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
Our environment is very toxic so Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is on the increase. A recent study showed that 17% of Germans have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
It is also understood that chronic stress, of any kind, can cause MCAS in some people. Chemical stressors, heavy metals, environmental pollutants, mould contamination, emotional stress, including anxiety, depression and PTSD etc, as well as trauma, along with radiation and microwave exposure, are all likely precursors to this condition in a large number of people.
Prescription drugs are also often toxic, and vaccines are necessarily so, (all contain adjuvants which are toxic), and Cancer treatments, such as Chemotherapy, are profoundly toxic. Thus, an over-reliance on prescription medications and Western medical treatment can pre-dispose us to developing Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Even non-prescription drugs, pain medications for example, often leave us immune compromised.
Autoimmune, neurologically degenerative diseases are linked to prescription drugs.
People can be born with MCAS or they will often develop it in childhood due to multiple pathogenic, traumatic and toxic exposures. And, sadly, with each new infection or insult the situation worsens until the Mast Cell Activation becomes chronic, or *idiopathic, at which point Mast Cell Activation Syndrome becomes the disease we ultimately are suffering from. What this finally means is that Mast Cell Activation Syndrome becomes the root cause of systemic inflammation and discomfort / dis-ease.
*Relating to, or denoting any disease, or condition, which arises spontaneously or for which the cause is unknown.
Symptoms Of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
A lot of people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome will have allergies and chemical sensitivities. Allergies are most commonly seasonal allergies or food allergies etc.
Urticaria, or hives, is an outward expression of many different types of allergic reaction, but respiratory abnormalities, such as streaming noses, sneezing, stinging eyes and excessive mucous formation, more usually accompany seasonal allergies.
Asthma is a form of non-seasonal respiratory allergic reaction.
All of these allergic responses have an inflammatory component, but their expression exceeds a simple inflammatory response, making them more complex. Nevertheless, these symptoms remain helpful for the purposes of diagnosis as they are a demonstrable trigger of MCAS.
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and a diagnosis is required before natural or allopathic treatment protocols can be undertaken.
However, some people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome don’t have any allergies at all. In cases of MCAS, where there are no allergies, there will still be systemic inflammation.
MCAS & Inflammation
MCAS inflammation is expressed, in varying degrees, within a spectrum, ranging from mild to severe.
In severe cases of MCAS the sufferer is dysfunctional, in a lot of pain, due to body-wide inflammation in their joints and muscles, as well as potentially having a whole slew of allied conditions, including; *neuropathy, *Dysautonomia, gastrointestinal abnormalities, (such as *gastroparesis), alongside a completely impaired immune system. At this stage Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is very seriously debilitating, and can be life-threatening.
*Neuropathy is the medical term for nerve damage. Many people suffer from peripheral neuropathy, like those with diabetes and those who have received chemotherapy.
As the name suggests, peripheral neuropathy develops when nerves in our extremities, (hands, feet and arms), are damaged. This causes neuropathic burning pain in the nerves which transfer information between the brain and spinal cord from our skin and muscles as well as other parts of our body.
It’s estimated almost 1 in 10 people aged 55 or over are affected by peripheral neuropathy in the UK.
The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy in the UK is nerve damage from diabetes. It can also be caused by things like an injury or infection.
Diabetes is recognised as an autoimmune condition.
*Dysautonomia, or autonomic dysfunction, is a condition affecting our autonomic nervous system, (ANS), which, when healthy, regulates our stress response. Dysautonomia , as the name suggests, is the condition whereby the autonomic nervous system does not work properly. This may affect the functioning of many major organs including our heart and bladder, as well as our intestines, sweat glands, pupils, and blood vessels.
Dysautonomia has many causes, not all of which are neuropathic.
*Gastroparesis is a condition which affects normal spontaneous movement of the muscles, or motility, in our stomach. It is a chronic condition which renders our stomach unable to empty in the normal way, resulting in food passing through slower than usual.
3 Types Of MCAS
There are three major themes of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Allergic + Inflammatory + Growth Dystrophic, denoted by abnormal growth or development which result in lumps bumps, nodules and cysts.
Healing From MCAS
To get well from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome it is helpful, wherever possible, to identify the specific triggers which caused each individual case of Mast Cell Activation in the first instance. However, this isn’t always possible.
Sometimes it is the genetic triggering within our mothers which cause second generational Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in offspring. There are many reasons why access to parental medical notes is not possible.
However, our gene expression is largely in a fluid state, which is referred to as epigenetics. All manner of bodily exposures are constantly epigenetically turning our genes on and off.
For example, one of the most common interactions between us and the world is the food we eat. Ultimately, food is information which directly impacts our epigenetic expression.
Eating really nutrient rich, organic food is likely to reduce gene expression which leads to ill-health, thereby reducing genetic predispositions, whereas a poor diet will leave us open to more genetic illnesses, on the basis that our pathogenic ‘switched on’ genes don’t get the information they need to switch back off again.
Some genes, however, are switched on by a parent and won’t be switched off for four, five or six generations.
Remediation of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is usually a lengthy process. This is partly because a full medical history of the sufferer, and that of their mother, often isn’t available. Plus, testing for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is very complex, with a lot of inaccurate results.
As well as urine and blood tests, bone marrow biopsies are also used to determine triggers by identifying mediators, but they are rarely requested by clinicians.
Usually the arrival at a Mast Cell Activation Syndrome diagnosis is a process of elimination, where tests are done for other conditions where elevated systemic inflammation is the key symptom. This avenue is particularly fruitful if tests are done for conditions where there’s haemoglobin anomalies, (red blood cell anomalies), elevated platelets, low or high white blood cell counts are recorded. []
So, in the absence of all historic data, if all of the symptoms can’t be explained by another condition, but the symptoms and lab results are all indicative of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, then you probably have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
**Those with PCOS are more likely to have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, because MCAS puts women at risk of PCOS. There’s also a correlation with the stats… it’s estimated that around 20% of women have PCOS.
***Hormonal imbalances, resulting in fibrosis, endometriosis, infertility and problematic periods etc will also sometimes have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome as a precursor.
Some Of The Big Triggers Of MCAS
- Tick bites
- Mycotoxicity – mould infection
- Viral infections, like Coronavirus
- *Bartonella infection
- Parasitic infection
- Trauma
- Choric Emotional toxicity from self / others / job / insufficient finances etc
- Radiation exposure
- Environmental toxins from conventional farming and industrial pollution etc.
Children are more susceptible to radiation as their nerves are not fully protected by myelin sheaths until they reach the age of 21.
Anyone with hyper flexibility is more susceptible to mould infections.
And, anyone who has been prescribed long-term antibiotics or who has undergone conventional cancer treatments are very much immune-compromised and are a lot more prone to all forms of infection.
Plus, there are several immunosuppressant drugs used to treat autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory skin disorders, like Psoriasis, and steroidal medicines for things like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
In addition, antibiotics, which destroy innate immunity, are still routinely used for extended periods to treat inflammatory skin conditions like Acne, exposing those who are taking them to all manner of infections and insults. Learn more about this in the article: Gut Health.
* Bartonellosis is an infectious disease produced by bacteria of the genus Bartonella. Bartonella species cause a wide number of diseases which include:
- Carrión’s disease
- Trench fever
- Cat-scratch disease
- Bacillary angiomatosis
- Peliosis hepatis
- Chronic bacteremia
- Endocarditis
- Chronic lymphadenopathy
- Neurological disorders.
- Trauma
However, none of these infections would bring about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in an individual if they didn’t first have immune regulation dysfunction.
So, those who have taken a lot of antibiotics, or have been exposed to a lot of toxic chemicals, like those used in conventional farming, which destroy immune health, or who are immune-compromised in other ways, through a course of radiation and chemotherapy etc, are the ones who are going to potentially spiral out of control when exposed to any of the things in the above list.
Mycotoxic individuals with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome are also already suffering from immune dysregulation / malfunction for mycotoxicity to occur. Those with a fully functional immune system will be able to detox the mycotoxins from mould exposure without any adverse effects.
The MCAS Downward Spiral
This is all part of the Mast Cell Activation Syndrome downward spiral. A dysregulated immune system allows mould / yeast / fungal infections to get a hold systemically, which further downgrades our immunity.
In fact, mycotoxicity on the one hand, suppresses immune function and also increases Mast Cell activity, which is a real double-whammy.
Mould can be environmental, from water damaged buildings, and air-con systems, or it can be eaten in the form of commonly mould-infected foods.
Mould-Infected Foods
- Grains, particularly wheat and corn
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Certain nuts, like Brazil nuts and Paenuts (peanut butter is a major source of mould infection)
- Soft fruits
- Cheese
- Mushrooms
- Vinegar including vinegar containing foods, such as salad dressing, ketchup, and pickles etc
- Sour cream, sour milk, and buttermilk.
- Foods made with yeast, such as breads etc. breads
- Jams, jellies and preserves
- Sauerkraut
- Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower
There is a short series about mould on this website, which goes into a lot more detail, and provides valuable insights into how to heal from a mould infection. But, it also explains how serious mould infections can be… so, take a deep breath and dive in after you have finished this article :: Toxic Mould.
MCAS Remediation
The best approach to remediation of MCAS is to calm the Mast Cells down so they stop producing the mediators, whilst also addressing the inflammation, and root infections.
Anti-histamines are useful here, as they are H1 blockers, or histamine receptor site blockers.
Hystamine receptors are given numeric values, such as H1 and H2 receptor sites.
H1 receptors are very much in evidence on our skin and respiratory system and they drive cellular migration, nociception, vasodilatation, and bronchoconstriction.
H2 receptors are mainly in the GI tract and they modify gastric acid secretion, airway mucous production, and vascular permeability.
H3 receptors play an important role in neuro-inflammatory diseases.
Natural Anti-Histamines
Luckily there are plenty of natural alternatives to prescription and pharmacological drugs when it comes to MCAS and other inflammatory, autoimmune conditions.
It is recommended that a combination of dietary supplements, herbs and essential oils are used, rather than one protocol being applied. The dietary supplements are important in all cases, and the advocated essential oils are also tremendously useful.
However, whilst there are essential oil alternatives to the listed herbs, such as Turmeric Essential Oil, Black Pepper Essential Oil, Ginger Essential Oil and Holy Basil Essential Oil, it is better to take therapeutic doses of the powdered form of these herbs and spices where these items are concerned. Please see below…
Best Supplements For MCAS
Improving natural immunity will normalise your immune response to pathogens. Improved natural immunity will reduce the inflammatory response within your body and will avoid an overwhelming immune response to pathogens.
This means you will feel less unwell when you catch a bug or get exposed to toxins. It also means you will recover more quickly and avoid potentially life-threatening, extreme immune responses.
Taking the following supplements and using the essential oils recommended below will significantly help to normalise your natural immunity. (Using the Wild As The Wind Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend is the most affordable way of using these anti-inflammatory, histamine-reducing essential oils to support natural immunity.)
Supplements For MCAS
All of the supplements listed in this section must be taken daily to achieve improved natural immunity.
For example, Vitamin C + Quercetin + Zinc permits Zinc to be delivered itra-cellulary (inside our cells) where it can eliminate infection. and prevent viral replication.
In quickly reducing infection in this way our bodies are liberated from the need to mount excessive cytokine storms and other potentially life threatening immune responses. And, of course, we will recover a lot more quickly whilst dramatically reducing the level of our suffering whilst ill.
- Vitamin C (minimum 1,000mg)
- Quercetin – anti-inflammatory and antihistamine
- Bromelain (optional)
- Vitamin D3 & Vitamin K27 – 5,000 iu of Vit D daily.
- Zinc – must be taken with Copper to avoid Copper depletion*
- Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil
*We need sufficient Copper in our systems to make best use of our Zinc levels. Supplementing with Zinc without supplementing with Copper will undermine immunity and make us ill. Copper deficiency causes a negative cascade within the body. Signs of Copper deficiency include excessive fatigue, vertigo and walking as though drunk.
2 mg of Copper along with a Zinc supplement is vitally important.
Comprehensive outcomes for Copper imbalance
Plus, Zinc, on its own, does not prevent viral replication within the cells. It needs a different supplement to be able to enter the cells of our body. Please see below.
Many of us are deficient in Vitamin D (which is actually a hormone), not least because we are deficient in Vitamin K2-7, an important nutrient needed for the absorption of Vitamin D. We are not making enough Vitamin D from the sun due to the use of sun creams, and we have insufficient Vitamin K2-7 in the modern Western diet.
The sun is too low in the sky to provide enough strength for us to make Vitamin D between October and April in the UK.
Most immune-deficient people and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome sufferers have a Vitamin D deficiency. Every Mast Cell has a Vitamin D receptor on it. Thus, Vitamin D3 is profoundly important. Vitamin D3 supplementation should be accompanied by Vitamin K27. Follow the link for more information.
Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil may act as a Zinc Ionophore in the same way Vitamin C and Quercetin, when taken together with Zinc, combine to make Zinc Ionophores.
Zinc, on its own, has no ability to work intracellularly.
When infected with a virus, viral replication takes place inside our cells, which renders the Zinc ineffectual. However, if we take Zinc with Nigella Sativa Oil and / or Quercetin and Vitamin C, these can act as Zinc Ionophores, which enable the Zinc to pass through the lipid membrane of our cells to fight the good fight!
Nigella Sativa Oil has also be shown to prevent tissue damage within lungs, heart and blood vessels when people are infected with spike proteins, either naturally, or after having an injection.
Spike protein infection can lead to myocarditis and pericarditis, serious lung damage and PoTS. This can occur as a consequence of natural or engineered spike proteins.
Learn more about this in the Food Grade Organic Nigella Sativa Oil article.
For further information about the processes of Zinc ionophores this article is helpful:
It’s also important to supplement with Copper if you are taking high levels of Zinc daily, over an extended period of time. Copper deficiency leads to fatigue and dizziness, and a general sense of being inebriated! Long term deficiencies can result in several severe outcomes, including mental health issues and chronic fungal infections.
Other Important Supplements
Magnesium deficiency is also incredibly widespread, especially amongst those who routinely eat processed food and pre-made meals. These products are hiding a lot of ingredients which are profoundly detrimental to our health, including Palm oil and vegetable fats. Another hidden ingredient, which is profoundly bad for our health, is refined sugar.
It takes 47 molecules of Magnesium to process one molecule of sugar, leaving a lot of us manifestly deficient in this vitally important mineral. Magnesium is required for thousands of fundamental processes within our bodies, so insufficient Magnesium results in body-wide problems and malfunctions.
Learn more about the importance of Magnesium in Sleep & The Mineral Connection. This article details why those who are mineral deficient, especially Magnesium, suffer from insomnia and often anxiety too.
*It’s possible to buy Quercetin & Bromelain supplements where these two important constituents are combined.
Pineapple is the highest food source of Bromelain, but it also contains pro-inflammatory constituents and so should be avoided.
Strawberries are also to be avoided as they cause Mast Cells in our gastrointestinal tract to release Histamine.
Eating an alkalising, inflammation reducing diet is also important. Sometimes it’s what you leave out, rather than what you include in your diet which can make a big difference in symptomatic expression.
Also supplementing with activated Glutathione, the most efficient antioxidant there is, to help reduce our toxic burden is also a good idea. An alternative to this is taking N-Acetyl Cysteine which helps to create Glutathione naturally within our bodies, or we can use Milk Thistle, (see herbs).
Taking Omega 3 also helps reduce inflammation in our bodies. We eat too much Omega 6 and Omega 9 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory. These inflammatory lipids / fats, like vegetable oils, such as sunflower and corn oil, for example, are often touted as being healthy, but they are causing inflammation and immune issues within our bodies. Omega 3 helps to balance these out, thereby reducing inflammation.
Many people take fish oil for this. But, our oceans are horrifically polluted and fish colonies are on the verge of collapse, so taking 3 tbsp of Linseed, which has been soaked overnight, and then blended into a smoothie the next day, is a vastly better option.
Linseeds are practically 50% Omega 3 oil.
Linseeds have also been clinically proven to be equivalent to HRT in terms of their ability to regulate hormones.
There are many natural health doctors advocating for the complete removal of vegetable fats / seed oils from our diets.
Best Herbs & Spices For MCAS
- Turmeric (with Black Pepper to increase uptake). This can be found in supplement form if you prefer. It confers myriad benefits including being a phenomenal anti-inflammatory. Turmeric can prevent the release of Histamine from Mast Cells and can even inhibit anaphylactic reactions.
- Ginger is anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, digestive, anti-nausea and may also help chemotherapy-related nausea. Ginger is an efficient antihistamine and provides immune support. It also reduces oxidative stress and aids weight loss. Take up to 2g of Ginger Powder in homemade juices, smoothies and teas.
- Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is an adaptogenic, antihistamine herb which provides very effective Mast Cell support. It contains antimicrobial, antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge (antipyretic /fever-reducing) properties and Vitamin C. More specifically, it down-regulates asthma and respiratory illness. And whilst it’s possible, but difficult, to find Tulsi Essential Oil, using the powdered herb is preferential in this instance. Holy Basil Essential Oil has high levels of the constituent Eugenol, which is known to cause irritation in some people and requires intermittent use. Holy Basil is in this herb list rather than the essential oil list as it can be taken daily and is unlikely to cause irritation.
- Astragalus membranaceus, a traditional Chinese medicine, has some impressive, scientifically supported, effects on immune function, and histamine in particular. It may help reduce allergy symptoms, prevent histamine release, whilst also helping to stabilise Mast Cells. It is also helpful for healing the digestive system.
- Pau D’arco extract contains antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Published research suggests Pau D’arco can inhibit the release of certain inflammatory mediators.
- Milk Thistle, also known as Holy Thistle, is considered the “King of detoxifying herbs”, which specifically boosts Glutathione in the body. I like to use it in tincture form, and I advocate we all add it to our daily detox regime!
- Nettle Tea is a great natural anti-histamine, and is very beneficial in many other ways.
- Watercress is another potent anti-histamine which is packed full of nutrients. Just add this peppery, green leaf to your salads, making sure to eat the stalks too.
Using Binders To Detox
When using any preparation or food to kill pathogens, like parasites, viruses, mould and bacterial overgrowth, or when removing heavy metals and other toxins, it is important to use binders to neutralise them.
I recommend the use of apple or grapefruit pectin as a binder for toxic waste so we can safely pass these harmful substances from the body. This is especially important for heavy metals and mycotoxic elements.
If you are supplementing with minerals or doing green juices with green powders this will mobilise heavy metals etc. If these aren’t neutralised with a binder they will find another location within our bodies to deposit themselves. Heavy metals really like to find their way into our brains where they contribute towards all manner of neurodegenerative conditions.
Best Essential Oils For MCAS
The essential oils listed here are thought to be helpful for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance.
However, the information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
Wild As The Wind produce a Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend, which is a proprietary blend of organic and wildcrafted versions of some of the following aromatherapy oils.
Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend may help with the symptomatic reduction of inflammatory disorders including allergies, chemical sensitisation, Cytokine activity, emotional issues, (anxiety, depression, panic attacks and PTSD), and may even help alleviate insomnia and restless leg syndrome etc.
Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend contains essential oils which are thought to be anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal.
Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend may help with all autoimmune and respiratory conditions.
Contraindications & Cautions
Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
This preparation is NOT phototoxic, but it must be properly diluted before topical application. Consult Using Essential Oils for more information.
Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend contains the following organic essential oils:
- Organic Bergamot FCF Essential Oil
- Organic Lavender Essential Oil
- Organic Rosemary Essential Oil
- Organic Thyme Red Essential Oil
- Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil
- Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil
- *Organic German Chamomile Essential Oil
- Organic Spearmint Essential Oil
- Organic Myrrh Essential Oil
*Wildcrafted Organic Essential Oil
As an undiluted essential oil blend Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend can be used in diffusers, and inhaled straight from the bottle.
Deep Calm Essential Oil Blend must be diluted in a good carrier oil before being applied to your skin. Raspberry Seed Oil is recommended as it absorbs beautifully, and is suitable for facial application to relieve sinuses etc.
Full List Of Beneficial Essential Oils For MCAS
Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil
I have seen Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil time and again helping relieve the suffering of those with seasonal allergies and headaches.
Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil assists with the following:
- Inflammation
- Mast Cell support
- Immune system
- Respiratory support
- Stress relief
- Microbial infection
Frankincense Serrata Essential Oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle for instant relief, especially for migraines and seasonal and other allergies. When diluted properly it can be applied topically to local areas at a 5% dilution in a good carrier oil.
Organic Bergamot FCF Essential Oil
Organic Bergamot FCF Essential Oil has been conclusively proven to have pharmacological *antinociceptive effectiveness both in nociceptive and in neuropathic pain models. However, the antinociceptive properties of Organic Bergamot FCF Essential Oil for the purpose of inhalation have not been widely investigated. Nevertheless, the molecules in aromatherapy oils are known to be so small that they work intracellularly. This means they pass through the blood brain barrier with ease.
*Antinociception, also known as nocioception or nociperception, is the bodily response to potentially toxic stimuli, like harmful chemicals and mycotoxicity etc…
Organic Thyme Red Essential Oil
Organic Thyme Red Essential Oil is an important aromatherapy oil on this list as it has some unique properties. For example, it is a natural Progesterone, which is extremely important when it comes to reducing stress and inflammatory levels in women. (Women use Progesterone to make the stress hormone Cortisol, which leaves many women Progesterone deficient.)
Organic Thyme Red Essential Oil is also a Mast Cell stabiliser. It is both a Histamine blocker (prevents Histamine from docking in Histamine receptors), and it also helps to prevent the release of Histamine from Mast Cells.
Thyme Red Aromatherapy Oil also provides nervous system support, reduces symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, supports heart health + blood pressure management, and Like Rosemary Aromatherapy Oil it also supports brain health and memory.
Thyme Red Essential Oil is the variety of Thyme Essential Oil which is least likely to cause skin and nasal irritation. Thyme Essential Oil, especially Thyme White Essential Oil has been known to cause nasal irritation in some who inhale it directly from the bottle.
However, when blended with other essential oils this outcome is significantly reduced.
Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil
Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil, like Myrrh Essential Oil, and Frankincense Essential Oil, is a potent antioxidant. It is also powerfully anti-inflammatory.
Copaiba Balsam Essential Oil is variously; antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, astringent, calmative, circulatory, diaphoretic, (induces perspiration), diurectic, emmenagogue, hepato-protetive, stimulant, vulnerary, (wound healing).
Organic Lavender Essential Oil
Organic Lavender Essential Oil is very beneficial for inflammation, allergies and mitigating respiratory cytokines.
It is an important aromatherapy oil for reducing Mast Cell Activation and histamine intolerance.
- Supports Mast Cells
- Supports natural immune function
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Reduces insomnia
- Soothes sore muscles & joints
Organic Lavender Essential Oil can be applied topically or inhaled directly from the bottle, or it can be used in a diffuser.
Organic Rosemary Essential Oil
Organic Rosemary Essential Oil is excellent for supporting respiratory and systemic health. It is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, thought to help boost immunity and improve blood circulation.
Organic Rosemary Essential Oil also contains the important constituent alpha-pinene which has been shown to possess antispasmodic and antihistamine properties.
Organic Myrrh Essential Oil
Organic Myrrh Essential Oil has been shown to support Mast Cells in several ways. In particular it has been proven to reduce inflammatory cytokine levels.
Organic Myrrh Essential Oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory, with potent antifungal and skin healing properties.
Organic German Chamomile Essential Oil
Organic German Chamomile Essential Oil reduces Histamine production and is also anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant. It also supports restful sleep and helps with insomnia.
Organic Spearmint Essential Oil
Organic Spearmint Essential Oil is a potent aromatherapy oil with many applications. It has been shown, in peer reviewed research, to promote testosterone reduction, (the main cause of PCOS), and for regulating blood sugar levels.
Organic Spearmint Essential Oil is analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti-asthmatic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, relaxant, stimulant, stomachic.
Essential Oils To Avoid If You Have MCAS & Histamine Intolerance
There are some essential oils you should avoid if you have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance, because they will exert effects which may make your symptoms worse.
- Cinnamon Essential Oil (histamine liberating)
- Citrus Essential Oils should not be used internally
- Clove Essential Oil (histamine liberating)
- Nutmeg Essential Oil (histamine liberating)
Also avoid German Chamomile Essential Oil if you are allergic to Ragwort.
Thieves Oil For Immune Support
Wild As the Wind produce a number of proprietary Thieves Oil blends to help address some of the immune problems we face in our modern world. This includes emotional issues, especially where compromised hormone function, and the adverse effects of wireless technologies are concerned.
Wireless technologies are known to exacerbate inflammation, increase mould / fungal infections and undermine our immune systems by up to 40%.
These Thieves Oil preparations are antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.
However, only one of these options is suitable for people with MCAS:
Thieves Comprehensive Essential Oil
Thieves Oil 2020 and Thieves Essential Oil 2020 both contain Cinnamon Essential Oil and Clove Essential Oil, which are both histamine liberating.
Essential Oils Versus Perfumes
Most people who are allergic to perfumes are NOT allergic to perfumes. This is because many perfumes are toxic, and using the right aromatherapy oils in the right way is a non-toxic experience.
However, a small number of people are allergic or intolerant of the odd essential oil, so always do a patch test before using properly diluted essential oils for topical application. If there is irritation when inhaling essential oils from the bottle or in a diffuser, then your aromatherapy blend or individual essential oil is not suitable for you.
Hypersensitive people cannot tolerate using essential oils, and will need to detox the toxic load on their bodies before this situation will be reversed.
Science Direct
BCM: Radiation Oncology :: Idiopathic mast cell activation syndrome and radiation therapy: a case study, literature review, and discussion of mast cell disorders and radiotherapy :: Common Blood Test Abnormalities Potentially Aiding Diagnosis Of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: A Preliminary Analysis
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
Deepen your knowledge by using the Wild As The Wind Recommended Resources
*Please note, I use sources from the Recommended Resources list as well as sources from the Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources list when researching articles for the Wild As The Wind Blog.
Wild As The Wind use a number of resources when deciding which essential oil formulas to put together for optimal healing and efficacy, as well as to support any health claims we may make.
We use the industry ‘bible’ on essential oil safety: Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals [2nd Edition] by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, to establish the safety of the Wild As The Wind formulations.
Many of the scientific studies used to inform the claims made on this website are via GreenMedInfo, as well as via Dr. Josh Axe.
Other resources include:
- PubMed
- WebMD
- Robert Tisserand & Rodney Young
- Dr. Robert Pappas
- Dr. Maria Lis-Balchin
- Robbi Zeck
- Dr. Mercola
Thanks for this article. Really helpful. I’ve recently started taking nigella Sativa for MCAS, and it’s helped tremendously. I’ve also done many other things recommended in this article for the last year and a half or so and am much better overall. However the one thing that has really been a game changer for me, leaving me with no histamine intolerance or MCAS symptoms for a month plus now is the light therapy/acupuncture patches made by Lifewaves. In conjunction with healthy diet, appropriate supplementation, etc., I’m really feeling like I may actually have healed my MCAS and histamine intolerance. Woohoo!!! Definitely check it out!
Thank you so much for this incredibly inspiring and enlightening feedback. I am a so pleased to hear you are now beyond MCAS. (I’ve watched a presentation about Lifewaves patches this evening, and can see how they could be amazing… I’m a great believer in energy medicine, and trust that if we heal energetically all else will follow… it’s why I have pinned The Ultimate Cause Of All Illness to the top of the blog. x x x).
I have followed your email extension to your brilliant website: Many Hands Organic Farm. I am profoundly impressed and inspired with the work you guys are doing. I only wish I knew of a place which was doing the same in the UK! I would be setting up all kinds of alliances and finding ways in which a process of mutual support was possible etc… (Wild As The Wind is a fully paid up member of the Permaculture Association.)
There’s one way in which I can support your work. It makes for an important digital marker which helps to improve your website visibility in search results, and that’s through linking to your website, as I have here.
I have also linked to your recipe page here:
If you could reciprocate by referencing the odd Wild As The Wind article when you post new content on your website, that would be amazing. (All of us earth lovers need to link to each other now to raise our online profiles.)
Sending much love x x x