I work alongside a number of highly respected healthcare professionals, particularly in the alternative medicine / complementary medicine sphere. Some of these healthcare professionals even sell supplements via their practice and websites.
As a health writer I also research a lot of information online, and I come across many alternative healthcare websites which also supply vitamin and mineral supplements.
Almost all of these online portals are selling Calcium supplements, often in the form of Calcium Carbonate…
But, this article explains why supplementing with Calcium supplements is disastrous for our health… even though so many people advocate for it!
Calcium Supplementation Is Really Bad For Us!
Calcium Carbonate is only 5% bio-available which means the body is tasked with eliminating the remaining 95%. However, a lot of that unabsorbed Calcium Carbonate ends up being deposited in our bloodstream, major organs and endocrine glands, the latter of which are responsible for our hormone health.
This presents those taking Calcium Supplements with very severe health risks.
Some of the more enlightened healthcare practitioners are selling better quality Calcium, than the profoundly dangerous Calcium Carbonate, but all Calcium supplementation is bad news.
The more switched-on practitioners are even selling Calcium supplement combinations including Magnesium and Vitamin D… but, sadly, these efforts do not reduce hardly any of the severe health risks of Calcium supplementation.
Sadly, UK GP’s are only provided with about four hours of diet and nutrition lectures as part of their ten year training, and so they don’t understand why Calcium supplementation is so bad for their patients. GP’s prescribe a lot of Calcium Carbonate to mature women, and they do so without Magnesium, Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 / 27.
Why Is Calcium Supplementation Really Bad For Us?
The following medium length video addresses all of the key issues of Calcium supplementation, and even explains why the idea of expecting women in their 50’s and 60’s to have the bone density of a 25 year old is completely erroneous. It even goes so far as to say that we will experience a lot more serious health conditions in trying to achieve the bone density of much younger women, but with none of the benefits. Subsequent articles in the following reading list explain why increased bone density does not reduce the risk of bone fractures by any significant amount!
The five minute video in the link below deals with the following:
There is a great amount of misinformation on osteopenia/osteoporosis. Bone density has become the single-minded focus of women, despite the fact that high bone density increases the risk of breast cancer, and that calcium supplements have been found to be highly toxic to the heart. Sayer plumbs deep the ‘other side’ of the story that few are aware of.
VIDEO :: What Every Woman Should Know About Her Bones
Calcium Supplementation Health Risks Reading List
Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D increase the risk of cardiovascular events.
Calcium carbonate supplements are associated with aortic calcification in hemodialysis patients.
Among healthy postmenopausal women, although calcium with vitamin D supplementation resulted in a small but significant improvement in hip bone density, it did not significantly reduce hip fracture, and increased the risk of kidney stones.
Arterial stiffness and vascular calcification in end-stage renal disease is adversely effected by the dose of calcium carbonate ingested.
Osteoporosis Is Scurvy of the Bone, Not Calcium Deficiency
The Manufacturing of Bone Diseases: The Story of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
Deepen your knowledge by using the Wild As The Wind Recommended Resources
Another resource you may find useful can be found by following the link below. *Please note, I use sources from the Recommended Resources list as well as sources from the Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources list when researching articles for the Wild As The Wind Blog.
Best Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources.
Wild As The Wind use a number of resources when deciding which essential oil formulas to put together for optimal healing and efficacy, as well as to support any health claims we may make.
We use the industry ‘bible’ on essential oil safety: Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals [2nd Edition] by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, to establish the safety of the Wild As The Wind formulations.
We owe a particular debt to GreenMedInfo, as you can see from the links in this article, and, of course, the teachings of Penny Price and Patricia Davis.
Many of the scientific studies used to inform the claims made on this website are via GreenMedInfo, as well as via Dr. Josh Axe, Ty Bollinger on the Truth About Cancer website as well as, on the odd occasion, Dr. Eric Zielinski
Other resources include:
- PubMed
- WebMD
- Robert Tisserand
- Dr. Robert Pappas
- AromaWeb
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