Thieves Oil 2020 For Hormone & EMF Detox
The Wild As The Wind Thieves Oil 2020 has been developed to combat hormonal dysfunction and weight gain from synthetic, or non-native Oestrogens, aka Xenoestrogens in both men and women. It is also designed to provide us with protection against DNA damage from wireless technologies.
All wireless devices, including mobile phones, cordless / radio phones, smart meters, routers, baby monitors etc, all negatively impact our fertility and our hormone health. WiFi significantly reduces Progesterone and Thyroid Hormones in women and they reduce Testosterone and Thyroid Hormones in men.
This incredibly potent combination of essential oils is also designed to help stimulate our Vagus Nerve, helping to keep it healthy by ridding it of viral and bacterial infections, which are exceptionally common.
It is believed that 90% of all health problems begin with the Vagus Nerve.
Learn how to use Thieves Oil 2020 to keep your Vagus Nerve healthy.
Using Thieves Oil 2020 For Hormone & Immune Support explains how to perform a Vagus Nerve Massage to restore immune function and reduce anxiety and fear. Thieves Oil 2020 is not needed to perform this massage, but it is very helpful all the same.
Xenoestrogen & EMF Introduction
Xenoestrogens are synthetic Oestrogens which are found everywhere in our environment. They are released into our food from plastic containers, and into our bodies via our personal care products, Parabens and Phthalates are routinely used Xenoestrogens in our toiletries and perfumes. But, it’s also in our water in the form of chlorine and pesticide residues. Xenoestrogens are even in our air due to pesticides and fragranced products.
Xenoestrogens are also in our clothes and in a lot of home furnishings and building materials.
And, of course, EMF’s, aka electromagnetic fields, from wireless technologies, are also impossible to avoid.
We are literally drenched in the frequencies from wireless technologies, such as 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G, as well as WiFi. Radio frequencies are also constantly transmitting 24/7. All of these things interfere with our natural energies and undermine our immunity.
Learn more in Circadian Rhythm & Why We’d Be Dead Without It
Learn more about non-native wireless and radio frequencies as well as dirty energy here: Full List Of 5G & Wireless Tech Articles
Thieves Oil 2020
It’s interesting that some of the most traditional of English and Mediterranean herbs, like Rosemary, Thyme and Oregano can combat the most modern and insidious pollutants of our time.
Thieves Oil 2020 is a potent blended oil, which contains essential oils from these three plants. It also contains a couple of equally potent aromatherapy oils from more exotic origins.
Thieves Oil 2020 is diluted in a food grade carrier oil, Nigella Sativa Seed Oil, making it suitable for topical application. In very severe circumstances it can also be taken internally.
Thieves Oil 2020 not only rids our body of Xenoestrogens, it is also immensely protective of DNA & nerve health, making it ideal for protecting us against wireless technologies, aka electromagnetic fields.
It is also possible to buy the pure essential oil version of this oil if you would like to diffuse this very healing essential oil blend. :: Thieves Essential Oil 2020
*Pre-diluted essential oils should not be used in diffusers.
Xenoestrogens & Our Health
Xenoestrogens are disastrous for our hormonal health. They enter our bodies and cause large-scale hormonal disruption, which is then compounded by continued exposure to an ever increasing amount of Xenoestrogenic substances.
Because Xenoestrogens attach themselves to hormone cell receptor sites and refuse to let go, the continuing build-up of Xenoestrogens in our body means that our natural hormones have fewer and fewer places to dock.
Because our hormones are chemical messengers this means they are increasingly less able to deliver their messages.
Anything that causes hormonal disruption also causes systemic harm to our body. Because hormones are a significant part of our body’s internal communication system, the damage Xenoestrogens do is both severe and extensive.
Xenoestrogens Are Everywhere
Xenoestrogens are in all of the plastics in our food supply chain, and heating plastics up when preparing food means that huge amounts of Xenoestrogens enter our food. The hotter the plastic, the more Xenoestrogens it releases.
Xenoestrogens are also in the fire retardants used on all of our soft furnishings including; our sofas, our cushions, our carpets, our mattresses, our pillows, our duvets etc etc…
Xenoestrogens are quite literally everywhere!
***There’s much more information relating to Xenoestrogens in the Hormone Health Series of articles in the Wild As The Wind blog.
Mood Disorders & Mental Health
The prevalence of Xenoestrogens in our environment is why so many of us, whether male or female, are having problems with mood, physical discomfort / chronic pain, physical abnormalities & weight gain etc.
Anxiety & depression are rising to pandemic levels and our hormones are contributing to the problem!
Men & Hormone & EMF Detox
Because there is so much talk about female hormonal health, which tends to be a lot more severely affected, a lot of men don’t realise they are suffering too.
In fact, it is as vitally important for men to learn to avoid Xenoestrogens as much as possible, and for them to do a hormone detox as it is for women, to help eliminate the ones that get in.
EMFs & Radiation
We are as constantly under assault from EMFs and wireless radiation as we are from Xenoestrogenic compounds… if not more so. It’s impossible to avoid wireless signals. They are equally as ‘everywhere’ as Xenoestrgens.
EMFs and 5G are particularly dangerous to children and adolescents because they do not have the neural protection that adults have. It is also devastating to unborn children.
Why Do A Hormone & EMF Detox?
Xenoestrogens disrupt our hormone health because they are synthetic, and they serve no purpose within our body.
*There is a school of thought, that is gaining momentum, which believes all synthetic materials, even modern drugs, for example, all present the body with health challenges. The thought behind this is that the body does not recognise these artificial substances because they are not organic, which, of course, the body is.
It is now broadly understood modern medicines are the third leading cause of death worldwide. This has been covered in the mainstream media as well as within medical journals.
But, sometimes modern medicines can save lives, whereas Xenoestrogens do nothing of the sort.
Xenoestrogens wreak havoc within our bodies because they latch onto cell receptor sites and refuse to let go. Normal organic hormone function involves hormones temporarily attaching to cell receptor sites. After delivering the instruction these natural hormones were created to deliver they fall away to be eliminated from the body via the liver.
If Xenoestrogens permanently attach to cell receptor sites, and potentially deliver an endless stream of jibberish to the body, this means that our natural, organic hormones will struggle to find a vacant receptor site. That means messages aren’t delivered.
The upshot of all of this is that the body fails to respond to the instructions the natural hormones were unable to deliver, and thus the body does not perform a task that will ensure homeostasis, or balance, within the body.
This is why doing a hormone detox is so vital.
EMF and wireless radiation has been heavily implicated in Autism, Anxiety and Depression and Cancer.
Women & Hormone & EMF Detox
It is important to avoid underestimating male hormone disruption, because it is very real and it is debilitating. But, it is fair to say that women are particularly under siege hormonally these days.
Xenoestrogens affect men and women equally adversely, but men are much more able to cope with stress within our modern lifestyles.
Because women use their progesterone to make the fight or flight hormone, Cortisol, female hormones soon get out of whack within the modern world.
Why Do A Hormone & EMF Detox?
The phenol containing essential oils in Thieves Oil 2020 provide the most potent method of forcing Xenoestrogens to release from our hormone receptor sites.
Myself and a friend are enjoying the Detox Oil. Lovely fragrance.
Claudine, London
Nevertheless, there are actually more benefits to using Thieves Oil 2020 than simply eradicating Xenoestrogens from the body, because all essential oils have many healing benefits…
You can learn more about the individual healing benefits of the essential oils used in Thieves Oil 2020 by following the links in the list of ingredients.
However, you will find many of the essential oils present in Thieves Oil 2020 in these articles also:
Most essential oils appear in both articles.
Phenols in Thieves Oil 2020
Unfortunately, the active constituents in Thieves Oil 2020, known as phyto-phenols, are considered to be mild irritants, which can cause some people, particularly after prolonged use, to develop some form of skin irritation, including increased colour or a rash etc.
The mucus membrane in the nose is very sensitive, and so the long-term inhalation of these oils is also inadvisable.
Because there’s a minor risk of developing some kind of skin irritation over a prolonged period of usage, intermittent usage is advised.
For more usage instructions of Thieves Oil 2020 please follow the link provided to visit the Thieves Oil 2020 product page.
Phenolic Essential Oils
Phenolic essential oils are some of the most critically important essential oils for combating infection.
Infection can come in many guises. We can suffer fungal attacks, bacterial invasions as well as viral infection.
Some phenolic essential oils have the ability to combat all of these forms of infection. Two of the oils in the Essential Oil First Aid Kit, for example, are able to each fight off all three forms of infection on their own, one of which is in Thieves Oil 2020 product page.
*It’s hard to imagine why anyone got so excited about antibiotics, which are only capable of dealing with one form of infection… And, they wipe out our immune system in the process! The bacteria in our digestive tract forms 80% of our immune systems, which are destroyed through antibiotic use.
The Importance Of Digestive Health
Most of our illnesses stem from a poor performing digestive system. Most of our hormones are made and regulated in our gut, and the same is true for our neurotransmitters.
Excessive stress, antibiotic use and poor diet all contribute to impaired gut function. And, as our gut is 80% of our immune system, we really need to look after it!
Not only that, poor gut function leads to systemic illnesses which cause pain and inflammation, and significantly reduce the quality of our lives . These include:
- Anxiety & Depression
- Neurodegenerative conditions
- Impaired brain function: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & Early Onset dementia etc.
- Diabetes
- Arthritis, Rhematoid Artritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus etc…
- Fibromyalgia
- CFS, aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Allergies & chemical sensitivites
Learn more about impaired immune function.
Learn how to heal your gut.
Thieves Oil 2020 Ingredients
- Clove Essential Oil
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Thyme Essential Oil
- Oregano Essential Oil
- Cinnamon Essential Oil
- Nigella Sativa
Rosemary Essential Oil Science to see why it and other oils, like Clove Essential Oil, are immensely protective of DNA & nerve health, making them perfect for inclusion in Thieves Oil 2020. This Hormone & EMF Detox blend is ideal for protecting us against wireless technologies, aka electromagnetic fields, such as 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G.
Thieves Oil 2020 Key Ingredients
Clove Bud Essential Oil
Clove Bud Essential Oil generally contains up to 85% Eugenol.
Eugenol is a phenol that possesses many therapeutic benefits. Most people know it for it’s analgesic capabilities, especially in dentistry, but this potent oil does a whole lot more.
However, it’s the 85% Eugenol we’re interested in here. It’s the 85% Eugenol content that really goes to town on the Xenoestrogens, forcing them to vacate the cell receptor sites.
Such a high Eugenol content is not without it’s issues, however… Because of it Clove Bud Essential Oil can be very irritating to the skin.
Tisserand and Young recommend a dermal maximum of just 0.5%.
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil is rich in antioxidants and poly-phenol nutrients. Because of these, simply sniffing Rosemary Essential Oil can increase our memories by 75%.
But, it’s the poly-phenols we are interested in for hormone detox.
Being phenolic, a dermal maximum of 6.5% is advised.
As an added bonus, Rosemary Essential Oil is the best essential oil for protecting us from EMF from WiFi and Smart Metres etc…
Thyme Essential Oil
Thyme Essential Oil is also contains about 45% phenols. It helps balance Progesterone in both men and women. A lot of men and a huge number of women are deficient in Progesterone.
Fortunately, there’s a low risk of skin sensitisation with Thyme Essential Oil. Tisserand and Young recommend a dermal maximum of 1.3%
*There is such a thing as hormonal metals too, which again attach to cell receptor sites. Read more about metallic hormone disruption.
**Metals need to be detoxified from the body using a different method than using essential oils.
***For proper hormone function we also need optimal mineral and nutrient density in our diets.
***It is wise to supplement with trace minerals, especially things like Zinc, Selenium and Iodine, which are all vital for the Thyroid. (The Thyroid is the main endocrine, or hormone, gland.)
****Most of us are deficient in Magnesium. I like to supplement with Magnesium Malate, which also supports heart health along with Rosemary Essential Oil.
Read about all of the essential oils in Thieves Oil 2020 by going to the individual essential oil pages by following the links in the full ingredients list.
How To Use Thieves Oil 2020 For Hormone & EMF Detox
There’s two ways of using Thieves Oil 2020 for Hormone & EMF Detox , although my personal recommendation is to use it daily, taking the odd day off here and there to avoid build up. For more information please go to Using Thieves Oil 2020 For Hormone & EMF Detox
Thieves Oil 2020 For Hormone & EMF Detox Contraindications
This blend of oils may reduce blood clotting activity and should not be used by Hemophiliacs and those on Warfrin or other blood thinning medications.
Not to be used by children of 14 years or younger.
Not to be used by pregnant or nursing women.
For more usage instructions of Thieves Oil 2020 please follow the link provided to visit the Thieves Oil 2020 product page.
The information provided is not intended to replace the medical directives of your healthcare provider. This information is not meant for the diagnosis of health issues. If you are pregnant, have serious or multiple health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider before using essential oils or associated products. If you experience any complications or adverse reactions contact your healthcare provider.
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*Please note, I use sources from the Recommended Resources list as well as sources from the Healthcare and Skincare Information Sources list when researching articles for the Wild As The Wind Blog.
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