Essential Oil Science
I recently published a post entitled Essential Oils For Bacterial & Viral Infections, in which I published a lot of scientific research that supports the efficacy of essential oils for viral and bacterial infection.
However, whilst this peer reviewed scientific research is published on veritable platforms, (almost exclusively on US government health websites), the question remains: Can Essential Oil Science Be believed?
If the admissions of Peter Rost, in his revelatory expose are anything to go by, then the answer has to be… “possibly not!?”
Peter Rost published his book, The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman in September 2006. The following video except, from a longer interview, distills his position with regards the funding of medical research:
Rost is a former executive at Wyeth and Pfizer pharmaceutical companies, and is best known for being critical of the pharmaceutical industry.
It is not easy to find much information about Rost online. And, it has to be said, what little information there is doesn’t tend to be positive. But, it is best to be circumspect about reading too much into this. Perhaps his unflattering entry on Wikipedia has more to do with offending one one of the most formidable industries in the world, rather than being an accurate reflection of his credibility?
Essential Oil Scientific Papers
What Rost has to say about medical research would suggest that all medical research is flawed, and, therefore, all of the scientific papers that are published, as a result, cannot be relied upon for their voracity.
So, does this mean that the essential oil scientific papers I listed in Essential Oils For Bacterial & Viral Infections, are not to be trusted?
The answer would be no, if the question weren’t nuanced. But, because medical research is generally funded by vested interests, it has to be seen as being different from essential oil science.
Essential oils are not owned by any one entity. This means there are no specific and direct vested corporate interests. Consequently, any essential oil science that is undertaken, is done so for different purposes than the scientific research undertaken for pharmaceutical drugs.
What is clear from the scientific research detailed in Essential Oils For Bacterial & Viral Infections, is that much of it has been undertaken in response to the need to find alternatives to medical problems created by pharmaceutical drugs, rather than being done to simply explore the merits of essential oils in their own right.
Statements like the following reveal that essential oil scientific research will provide solutions to antibiotic resistant “super-bugs”, but due to a lack of vested interest, finding funding for this type of research, no matter how vital, is hard to come by:
Tests revealed that three essential oils killed MRSA and E. coli as well as many other bacteria and fungi within just two minutes of contact. The oils can easily be blended and made into soaps and shampoos which could be used by hospital staff, doctors and patients in a bid to eradicate the spread of these deadly `super bugs’… Researchers are now desperately looking for funding to develop their work and carry out a clinical trial. Peter Warn from the University’s Faculty of Medicine who worked on the research said: ‘We believe that our discovery could revolutionise the fight to combat MRSA and other `super bugs’, but we need to carry out a trial and to do that we need a small amount of funding ‘around £30,000’.
Essential oils have been found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria
This statement also reveals the intent behind some of the essential oil scientific research being conducted:
The increase of resistant bacteria puts a huge pressure on the antimicrobials in current use. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) results from antibiotic misuse and abuse over many years and is a global financial burden. New polices must be developed for the use of antimicrobials and to continue research efforts to mitigate AMR. It is essential to target the most harmful bacteria and concentrate on their mechanisms of resistance to develop successful antimicrobials. Essential oils (EOs) are occur naturally in plants and have long been used as antimicrobials, but most have not been researched. This review explores EOs as alternative antimicrobials, investigating their ability to decrease or inhibit biofilm formation, and assess their ability to contribute to AMR control. Low concentrations of EOs can inhibit Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. Some EOs have demonstrated strong anti-biofilm activities. If EOs are successful against biofilm formation, particularly in bacteria developing AMR, they could be incorporated into new antimicrobials.
Essential oils showing in vitro anti MRSA and synergistic activity with penicillin group of antibiotics –
It’s clear that some, if not all, of the essential oil scientific research being conducted, is being undertaken with a view to incorporate essential oils into patentable products, which would provide exclusive profits for those who own the patents, ergo; “If EOs are successful against biofilm formation, particularly in bacteria developing AMR, they could be incorporated into new antimicrobials.”
However, the essential oil science shows that essential oils are effective on their own. But, as this holds no commercial benefit for those conducting the studies, the way in which the research will be used will, clearly, be to ensure financial reward is obtained as an outcome.
The sad fact is that essential oil scientific research only takes place on this basis.
Essential Oil Science Can Be Trusted
Despite the profit-driven motives to conduct essential oil scientific research, there is some good news to be gleaned from the situation.
As there is such an imperative to find new ways to deal with life-threatening conditions, often created by pharmaceutical drugs, the essential oil scientific research being conducted is unlikely to be tainted. Scientists are genuinely looking for solutions, and so every effort is being made to accurately measure and report the efficacy of essential oils.
This means that, in all likelihood, essential oil scientific research can be trusted.
Natural Health News
Please visit the Natural Health News page for more insights into how natural health protocols can support your health journey.
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Antibacterial & Antiviral Essential Oils
To learn more about the most potent antibacterial and antiviral essential oils, please use the following links.
Essential Oils For Bacterial Infections
Essential Oils For Viral Infections
Essential Oils For Boosting Immunity
Please also visit Natural Immunity to find more ways of supporting your health naturally.
Rachel Wild says
Bill Gates backs $1bn plan to cover earth in video surveillance satellites ::
Paul Vonharnish says
Hello Rachel: Wow! This page just kicks down the door and walks in. Not to sound critical, but actually too much information for recovering sheeple to consume…
You are quite right regarding negative autoimmune effects of 5G. Massive environmental pollution totally reflects the inner souls of consumer capitalism. I digress…
Rachel Wild says
Sorry, it’s a big subject, so, yes, it came in over 10k words! Ouch!
However, The economy is trollied, and people need to know that so they can make provisions.
I believe this is our last wake-up call. Most people live in cloud cuckoo land, and it’s imperative they wake up and take responsibility so things may change for the better. We have erred too far and for too long.
What I have written in my article is just a heads up for what is to become eveyone’s immediate future… surely it’s better to be forewarned and therefore, forearmed.
There’s no way of avoiding the shocks in all of this… this economic crash really is going to make 2008 look like a walk in the park.
Rachel Wild says
Here’s another example of our inexorable move towards totalitarianism :: Under Cover of Covid-19, Donald Trump Ramps Up His War on Truth-Tellers ::
Freedom of speech is fundamental to civil liberties! This is why the fight for Julian Assange is also incredibly important on a political level as well as on a personal level.
Rachel Wild says
Wealth inequality due to the continuous wealth transfer from the have-nots to the egregiously rich… one year on and things are looking just as messy… and mainstream media is still completely misrepresenting the facts…